The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

And if anyone is still interested, my silver quail are 5 weeks old, now. :) They're molting, so a little ragged, but some photos from today:

(including one non-silver from the batch that is getting this amazing deep red coloration around his head/neck)

I ended up with 84 chicks, not too bad. Send the first group of 20 to a new home today.

Of my seramas, I had 2 hatch, a black and white and a frizzled chocolate and white. Photos to come. :)

I miss the past week, so am horribly horribly behind and will never catch up, but wanted to report results and say HI!

Collecting pure Iowa Blues now to set next week from my new handsome rooster. He's been in there over 4 weeks now, so should be all set to get my next generation going!

Congratulations! Yeah, not a bad hatch at all. :)
And if anyone is still interested, my silver quail are 5 weeks old, now. :) They're molting, so a little ragged, but some photos from today:

(including one non-silver from the batch that is getting this amazing deep red coloration around his head/neck)

These quail look like they're posing for GQ
Final count was 30 out of 42
Technically 32 if you count a couple that pipped but didn't make it
Really final count for me 18 eggs set, 15 for lockdown. 9 hatched.
Anyone really familiar with both bielefelders and Cream Legbars willing to say which chipmunk stripped female chick is the Cream Legbar and which is the Bielefelder? The male CL is perpendicular and against the rock.

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Final count for me is 6. Nine were set. 8 went to lock-down. 5 hatched on Day 21, 1 on Day 23. Of the remaining 1 opened on Day 23. It died within a minute of opening the egg. Opened the last one on Day 24, it had died after internal pip. I noticed that egg shells were very hard to break, however the membranes were still moist on both these eggs.

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