The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

I just bought a new coop today.
this is not a good thing.
More coops is always good! I just convinced my neighbor to let me take the two trashy old camper shells from his land and bring them to mine. Mission: make them into coops. Tear out interior, paint exterior, and hey-presto: two new coops complete with ventilation!!
I was looking at the same flashlight for a candler and it works amazing! Just watch out it will blind you if you shine it the wrong way

Yeah, that sucker is BRIGHT lol

so sorry about your grandpa. I'm not a doctor or anything but my (90+ year old) grandfather lived with us for over 2 years and in that time we actually stopped the progress of and partially reversed his very advanced Alzheimer's with the right foods. The things that really made a difference were we eliminated wheat and sugar from his diet, gave him a tablespoon of coconut oil every day and Ginkgo Smart pills. Usually we gave him one ginkgo pill a day and his memory would be noticeably better than if we didn't but some days we would give him 2 and he would remember EVERYTHING. One thing though is that it's not good to eat a diet high in both fat and sugar so if you can't get him off of sugar then a whole tablespoon of coconut oil is probably too much. Again I'm not a doctor this is just what worked for us.

I figured I'd put that information out there in case it would be useful to you or anyone else.

Wow that's amazing!! I've been forgetting more lately and my dad does too soemtimes though nowhere near alzheimers but anyway, that stuff probably helps everybody. I might try it. Cutting put bread, etc. Is supposed to help with like mood and mental illness and stuff too and weight loss. I've been trying to eat healthier but it's hard. Sugar and processed crap is addictive :( and they make it so on purpose for their stupid money :( but that sounds great
Okay I have a new and updated total.. First being that I cannot add apparently, because had I set the quail egg number that I originally thought I would, it would have been 103 versus the 101 I said. But...... Since I am apparently crazy and my hubby is an instigator I set 100 quail eggs! So here it goes..

7 Marans
6 Silverudd Blues
7 Ayam Cemani
15 Silkied Ameracauna
100 Coturnix quail

Grand total is 135....
I set the 21 eggs (9 Olandsk Dwarf and 12 D'uccles) on the 25th and I had one of my Serama hen go broody, so she is sitting on 4 eggs. Her timing might be a bit off :) but she is pretty close.
My Serama seem to be good broodies. I have three that decided to co-sit on a huge pile of eggs. I kept forgetting to mark the ones under them and didn't want to pull potentially growing eggs. So when I finally remembered to take a pen with me to the coops there was at least a 17 day span... So far 5 have hatched and I think there are around 10 eggs left. I even was able to move them and the first three chicks to a very secure spot and they never broke their brooding... Love those cute little girls and their cute fluffy butts!

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