The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

One of my hens suddenly turned into an egg eater, and got 4 of my 8 marked eggs. None of them exhibited signs before I'm so upset right now. I was able to candle a couple eggs and at least one of them seems to have a dark spot inside so I'm still hopeful for the rest of them. I currently have her separate from everyone else. So far the remaining eggs are all still there. This literally made me feel sick to my stomach. I haven't noticed any smells so I don't see that as being the reason for her to eat them. She does seem to be the most aggressive hen, and I have no reason to believe it was just the marked eggs. I plan on culling her as soon as I increase my flock. What horrible luck I've had with my first try.
Egg eating is usually opportunistic eating--weak egg shells, broken eggs and etc.

Work on flock nutrition. This usually works:

Add ouster shell calcium free choice
Use calf manna-chicken feeding instructions on the label
Give them a good added to water vitamin a couple of days every week
Limit treats--Completely eliminate them for a week

IF using fermented feed consider not using it. Some nutrients are increased with it but some are decreased
Did a candle this morning, Removed 6 pods.
Really didn't have time for pix. The rest seem to be developing nicely. It's a new and different oven. Analog Farm Innovations. Still trying to get comfortable with it (them). I have 4 ovens running and keeping me busy in the hatch room.
Fingers crossed for April 1st success.:fl
I should have added "37" remaining, scheduled to hatch on Easter Day.
I candled again for the last time and pulled 3 out. They are from my new layers. I didn't expect any would make it but I still have 4 left. Somebody mentioned I should get a new bator or a broody hen. My bator is a brinsea 20. This is just my 2nd year using it. My hatch date is the 29th. I have golden laced english orps, mottled english orps and ayan cimani. I'm hoping to get alot of pure black ayam. Theyre grand parents are mixed with leghorn.
Marie! How are you? Have you seen the quail i hatched? 20180321_124418.jpg
There are guineas in the bator now.
Today was hatch day for the remaining three quail eggs that I thought were still viable. So far no pips, or egg movement. :(

I'm still going to keep them in there for a couple more days just in case they took a wrong turn.
There is still hope!
Can you candle them?
Emma did not want to wait to candle until tomorrow, so this is what we have going into the last week.
OE. 3/8 developing
EE. 2/7 developing
NN. 1/6 developing
SFH. 9/14 developing
BCM 6/8 developing
Seramas 11/12 developing
I would be real happy with 25 or better!
Thanks for the update!

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