This afternoon Legs found his Aseel and Indio Gigante genes. He got into his first fight with a Dark Cornish rooster much older that he is. When I got back to where I had seen them they were standing almost next to each other both panting and completely winded. I picked him up without a fuss and put him in a kennel until ma could see about doctoring him up. I suspect from the condition I found the big dark Cornish boy in those other smaller boys that have been picking on him are in for a surprise the next time they even look at him the wrong way. Legs got a dab of triple antibiotic ointment on his comb and is sleeping as usual in his kennel at night. He spent the rest of the afternoon out in the garden supervising us as we played in the dirt. He likes to follow us around wherever we are working when outside.
Just as legs started another fight with the Dark Cornish rooster with the hens I picked him up while in full fight mode and put him in time out in a kennel. When he didn't show up for his night time kennel I finally remembered where I left him. He was not happy but he needs to learn not to pick fights and let hens alone that belong to other roosters. Yeah, right.
Legs is hanging out in the carport today.
He's not gonna learn, you need to seperate.
I know he will never learn too. He's getting his own hoop coop and 3 of those dark cornish hens of his own. Once some new dark cornish pullets are laying he will have 5-6 new ones and his will go back to the cornish coop. I just don't know how many it will take to keep him happy without over breeding. This is the first time I've ever owned a rooster like him. I know that as much as I like to have him around me as a pet he needs a life of his own with hens. I'll still handle him some with treats in my hand. He can devour a slice of fresh multigrain bread out of my hand in 30 seconds. He gets about 3 slices a week and all the starter grower he wants and all the grass and weeds he cares to nibble on. He sleeps in a kennel at night for now. Next week he gets that coop and run with his new hens. He's also gotten so large carrying him like a football is tiring. We do tour the property riding on the garden tractor together. I hope he has a long, long life span.
Legs tried is luck fighting an older American Bresse rooster today. Poor Frenchie. He was no match for the tall boy. I was there and got them apart after less than a minute. No bleeding yet but is was looking bad for the Bresse boy. Got to get that boy in a coop and run with his own ladies some how by next week or keep him in his nighttime kennel during the day when I turn the Cornish and Bresse kids out for some grass and weeds.
It's all fun and games until you come home to bloody battle. I'm not picking on you, but I've seen what happens when people don't take this seriously. All it takes is a couple flyes with a long spurred cock, for Legs to lose an eye.
It's all fun and games until you come home to bloody battle. I'm not picking on you, but I've seen what happens when people don't take this seriously. All it takes is a couple flyes with a long spurred cock, for Legs to lose an eye.
My Ameraucana cockerels were combative. One ended up dead with his eye pecked out.
Legs is in his coop. He no longer has free run of the place. The Dark Cornish are out today. I will let him out for a little while late today after the others are shut back up. He's got a private coop and and run. The run needs to be modified some and the hens can be added to him.
It's all fun and games until you come home to bloody battle. I'm not picking on you, but I've seen what happens when people don't take this seriously. All it takes is a couple flyes with a long spurred cock, for Legs to lose an eye.
I know you weren't. Until just a few days ago legs ran from any little skirmish. Then the right hormone took over like someone threw a switch. He just wants to fight roosters. He still loves on us like a puppy. He'll sit in my lap and be happy. He's a crazy boy.
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I had the big boy inside in my lap for a while late today. His same old self with his treat. He stood perfectly still waiting on me to take him back to his coop. He's probably not happy being in his coop all day. Next thing for him is for me to get a higher fence and a top for his run. He can get over the run now. He's been talking trash to me every time I walk by his coop. :)

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