I am not aware of any Malays that are game. Excepting only one guy who's stock is likley legit. There is no such thing as more stable. The best most stable cocks I've had would kill a male on sight. As to The survival chicken. Bullfrog is your man. He know what he is talking about.

Also completely unrelated but I'm in love with the hen on your profile picture
That seems to be half the problem. Just getting ANY stock is a real to-do if you're outside the average backyard breeds. Since I have the Aseel coming anyhow, I'll see what I get with them, hopefully somewhat resembling the birds I had up north. I liked the Kraienkoppes enough that I would work with them except for the dang cocks I always got were nasty. I guess I should move to a different thread though, if I won't be truly breeding Aseel? I also ordered crele LF OE, spangled Hamburgs, and wheaten BF Cubalaya on a whim. Too small for what I eventually want, but cool little birds I hope.
That seems to be half the problem. Just getting ANY stock is a real to-do if you're outside the average backyard breeds. Since I have the Aseel coming anyhow, I'll see what I get with them, hopefully somewhat resembling the birds I had up north. I liked the Kraienkoppes enough that I would work with them except for the dang cocks I always got were nasty. I guess I should move to a different thread though, if I won't be truly breeding Aseel? I also ordered crele LF OE, spangled Hamburgs, and wheaten BF Cubalaya on a whim. Too small for what I eventually want, but cool little birds I hope.
Where did you get your Krainkoppe if you don't mind me asking?

And this thread sorta a catch all for oriental games ;)
While any bird would be willing to fight, the distinction between them and gamefowl is that gamefowl are blood thirsty and have the knowledge of how to fight well in their genes. Sure, any bird would fight, maybe even scoring a few minutes of squabbling, but once I saw my 3.5 month old grab onto the the head of an adult hen and repeatedly kick her, not letting go until I separated them, I knew right there and then what the difference between the two was (that unfortunately is the rooster i rehomed, the one ive mentioned in a previous post of mine, because of his leg problem, even if i kept him it would have been a watse of talent, an aseel with a bad leg cant fight unfortunately, and he was my favorite). Gamefowl can go for hours attacking eachother, even in a flaming building, it's like they don't even notice what's happening around them. To me the difference is huge, ones whole life is determined by its will to defeat all other birds of the same sex around it, while the other will do it to merely establish a pecking order. That's how I see it at least
While any bird would be willing to fight, the distinction between them and gamefowl is that gamefowl are blood thirsty and have the knowledge of how to fight well in their genes. Sure, any bird would fight, maybe even scoring a few minutes of squabbling, but once I saw my 3.5 month old grab onto the the head of an adult hen and repeatedly kick her, not letting go until I separated them, I knew right there and then what the difference between the two was (that unfortunately is the rooster i rehomed, the one ive mentioned in a previous post of mine, because of his leg problem, even if i kept him it would have been a watse of talent, an aseel with a bad leg cant fight unfortunately, and he was my favorite). Gamefowl can go for hours attacking eachother, even in a flaming building, it's like they don't even notice what's happening around them. To me the difference is huge, ones whole life is determined by its will to defeat all other birds of the same sex around it, while the other will do it to merely establish a pecking order. That's how I see it at least
Yes, I understand it's how they're bred. I too have had experiences like this, especially with my CrackerFowl Hens. They had a nasty bloody fight. Bullfrog suggested I'd let them settle it, which I did.
But I've also had a Silkie Rooster almost kill my Sumatra Rooster. Fight was hours long, the Sumatra ended up being a sore loser literally. Had to doctor him up.
Yes, most adult roosters will and can fight. The difference in GENERAL is the technique. A few exceptions are always very real, we are working with animals after all. But gamefowl not only will have the urge to fight literally from birth, which no other breed has, but also their kicks and pecks are very much more calculated, planned, and deadly than any other chicken. I've seen my huge landrace male fight, what he does is basically hop and straighten his legs outward, literally, no other movement. While my ~4 month old aseel would have killed that hen, if all his kicks would have landed where he intended, and not on her back, because while he was grabbing on to her neck and kicking, she was panicking and running top speed trying to get away, but he didn't budge. He kept grabbing on, and kicking, until I separated them. Lastly, their whole build aids them to get the job done. Strong legs to kick the opponent, steel like beak for pecking, strong feathers for protection, small comb and wattles for no unnecessary injuries, and a low set tail so there's no resistance when they run at top speed

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