I've never raised Aseel chicks before. I'm feeding a gamebird starter that's higher protein. What's your set-up to keep your chicks from hurting each other? Like I said earlier, I have them in with some other hatchlings right now. They are only a couple days old.

They should be fine for now. 1 month old is when they start, 2 months it gets more serious
I've never raised Aseel chicks before. I'm feeding a gamebird starter that's higher protein. What's your set-up to keep your chicks from hurting each other? Like I said earlier, I have them in with some other hatchlings right now. They are only a couple days old.
With the Aseel breed you are pretty much forced to have multiple pens if you want more than one male. If you don't already have more pens, now is a good time to get started building more. It's the nature of the Aseel to be top cock.
I’m lucky to live on a fifty acre farm. We have beehives, garden and orchard plots, woodlands, and pastureland. I have a large coop, two smaller free standing pens plus a barn with stalls. I also have dog crates sized from huge ( Great Dane) to small (Chihuahua). So when my chicks start sparring do I put one chick to a cage (thinking a small dog crate) or do you sort them in another way?
I keep reading how much more intelligent Aseels are. Have any of your birds come to you for help. One article mentioned an account where a rooster would ask his master for a locked stall door to be opened.
I keep reading how much more intelligent Aseels are. Have any of your birds come to you for help. One article mentioned an account where a rooster would ask his master for a locked stall door to be opened.
My aseel x Liege cross will pull my shorts down from behind to demand feed. I don’t know if that’s intelligence or not but it is personality.

Looks like this, except the kid is a fat middle aged man and the dog is a weird looking rooster.

I keep reading how much more intelligent Aseels are. Have any of your birds come to you for help. One article mentioned an account where a rooster would ask his master for a locked stall door to be opened.

My birds can't be bothered to go to their pens when it gets dark, so they've understood that if they make a very high pitch chirp, I understand they want to return to their pens and I will hold my arm up, they'll jump on it and then be carried home. Last year I had an agreement with one of the chicks, I would pick it up and move it in the air and he would eat all the mosquitoes flying around and the ones landing on me
Also another thing about intelligence, they will absolutely use their intelligence as an advantage in a fight, and unlike aggression which takes a few weeks to set in, their brain is working from the very beginning

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