Big Red's finally done with his molt. His tail doesn't look like a toilet plunger anymore, only having two tail feathers for a tail
I picked up and held Legs the Indio Gigante this morning at feeding time. He doesn't fuss much as long as you have something he likes in your hand. I gave him a little scratch out of my hand and he was very calm eating it. I hope he passes this trait on to his pullets at least. In the Dark Cornish coop they seemed to be anxious for me to come inside this morning with some scratch for them. As they age the are calming down with me an ma both but not any strangers. The DC will be a year old 2/15/24. Not sure how old Legs is but I believe 3-4 months anyway. The chances of getting the breeds I wanted to add are slim to nothing now. Most places I know and trust have sold out for 2024 already. Legs is not growing spurs of any size yet.

Edit: I meant to say Legs is 3-4 months younger than the Dark Cornish. He could even be 6-7 months younger as he has no spurs yet other than a small ones just starting to bud. He is not crowing and shows no interest in the pullets. He is a very big baby still. His main interest is free ranging where he can turn over ground like a mini rototiller.
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