The Ko Shamo Thread



Hatchi Wan Kenobi
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Mar 27, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I didn't see a recent or active thread for this great little breed, so I'm making one! They don't seem to be well known. People seem to either love their looks or hate them. Does anyone else raise them?

The Ko Shamo is a true bantam breed originating in Japan. They are an ornamental breed, and they were bred to have the 'spirit of the fighter', though they have never actually been used for such purposes. They are feisty, fierce little birds that don't back down from a challenge. They are exceedingly friendly with humans.

They stand erect, and their proportions should be in thirds - 1/3 head and neck, 1/3 body, and 1/3 legs. They are extremely hard feathered, causing a bare batch down their keels. Whereas in most breeds split wing, a missing primary feather, is a DQ, in ko shamos it is required, and both wings should be split. They should be widest at the shoulders, and should have 'five hills' on the back. They should have a distinctive prawn tail.

Currently only the wheaten color is accepted by the ABA. The ABA SOP can be seen here:
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I have to be honest, When I first saw these pictures a while back I thought they had to be the ugliest chickens on earth.
:lau after watching them on you tube videos, now I think they are too cute.
I like this one :D

They grow on you! I have a friend who didn't understand the appeal at all. Then she saw some in person in a show and fell in love :)
They sure are interesting. They aren’t the prettiest but it doesn’t matter about the outside! It only matters about the inside and there personality! (Unless of course you are showing them then the outside needs to be pretty lol)

Haha, pretty is subjective :p They just have to be really good examples of their breed to do well.

One of my pullets did okay in the last show I went to. Didn't win, since pullets aren't near filled out enough to compete with older members of the breed, but she WAS marked as the best pullet, so I can't complain. Gotta get her in more shows now that she's mature.

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