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Its cold here, too. I realize 33* might not be cold to some of you, but here it is. Especially since it was 60* yesterday afternoon. My plan was to lay out and secure 5000' of single strand wire for the radio collar fence, but it may have to wait until it warms up.
33 would be a heat wave right now. It's 16 F and is supposed to drop during the day to - F. That's not even factoring in the wind chill. Have I mentioned that I hate the wind?
Sour, that is good weather to stay inside and remind the Princess why she married you.......

She married me because I was a handsome, dark haired, curly headed guy who offered a way out of her environment. Age has taken care of the 'looks', but I have maintained my promise that, "I would provide food and a place to live." So far I have managed to keep that promise as far as your inference - that would take all day.
33 would be a heat wave right now. It's 16 F and is supposed to drop during the day to - F. That's not even factoring in the wind chill. Have I mentioned that I hate the wind?

I can see how the wind would be a problem for you with that hat

Oh, I meant fixing broken stuff and waiting on her, hand and foot.....

Yeah....that's what she meant.....
Sour, the "handsome, dark haired, curly headed man," exists ONLY in your imagination. You know the drill here - "No photo, it never was!"
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Guys, I think I went to bed at midnight and made myself get up at 9 am today. Feels pretty good, maybe I'll try it again sometime. We are getting the nasty wind chills and bitter cold temps but next Friday, they claim it will be 50. Guess if I hold out that long, I won't have to shovel all the snow they keep predicting.

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