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I went to bed last night with an little chick that I didn't think had a snowball's chance in an oven of surviving. I said goodbye to it and told it I was sorry that I hadn't gotten it out sooner. Woke up this morning to my husband telling me I needed to get up and take a look at my chick. I did. Much to my surprise, my little chick is fluffed up, standing up, holding it's head up and has its eyes open. It's moving around the incubator as much as it can. The umbilical cord hasn't worked free of the egg shell yet but it is very much alive. :celebrate:celebrate

Momma was a Buff O, daddy looks to be an OEGB rooster. Baby must have been working to get out longer then I thought and with the bad presentation just wore it'self out. It's still tired but at least it has a chance now.

The one thing that I noticed about the egg is that the embryo attached high on the egg, on the air cell membrane. I'm wondering if that contributed to the bad presentation.

Septic Missouri we have what they call over the hill. Septic tanks are optional in the rural settings. Our system and those around us are just pipes ran underground from the indoor plumbing to the nearest ravine. The only regulation is that they have to be 75 feet away from your neighbor's property line. It's kinda gross but works. The only yuck moments come when you have to go down occasionally and clear the area around the discharge of debris.:sick

Plus, like the old Erma Bombeck book, The weeds are always greener and taller around the over the hill.
I went to bed last night with an little chick that I didn't think had a snowball's chance in an oven of surviving. I said goodbye to it and told it I was sorry that I hadn't gotten it out sooner. Woke up this morning to my husband telling me I needed to get up and take a look at my chick. I did. Much to my surprise, my little chick is fluffed up, standing up, holding it's head up and has its eyes open. It's moving around the incubator as much as it can. The umbilical cord hasn't worked free of the egg shell yet but it is very much alive. :celebrate:celebrate

Momma was a Buff O, daddy looks to be an OEGB rooster. Baby must have been working to get out longer then I thought and with the bad presentation just wore it'self out. It's still tired but at least it has a chance now.

The one thing that I noticed about the egg is that the embryo attached high on the egg, on the air cell membrane. I'm wondering if that contributed to the bad presentation.

Septic Missouri we have what they call over the hill. Septic tanks are optional in the rural settings. Our system and those around us are just pipes ran underground from the indoor plumbing to the nearest ravine. The only regulation is that they have to be 75 feet away from your neighbor's property line. It's kinda gross but works. The only yuck moments come when you have to go down occasionally and clear the area around the discharge of debris.:sick

Plus, like the old Erma Bombeck book, The weeds are always greener and taller around the over the hill.
Good news on the chick!

Two more hatched overnight here. The total is now 9 out of 11 that made it to lockdown. I will get pictures soon.

I suspect sewer systems like yours are granfathered in. A remodel requiring code inspection and new construction likely requires a septic tank and leach line system.
Good news on the chick!

Two more hatched overnight here. The total is now 9 out of 11 that made it to lockdown. I will get pictures soon.

I suspect sewer systems like yours are granfathered in. A remodel requiring code inspection and new construction likely requires a septic tank and leach line system.

Congrats on the new chicks. Yes, I have to get a pic of Peanut this morning. I just cut the last of the shell away from it's umbilical cord and it threw itself out of the incubator then gave the lid a sound peck. It's still a bit wobbly but amazingly alert and active this morning. These little creatures are astounding. I'm going to leave it in the bator most of the day as none of the other two eggs are showing any indication of hatching yet and I need to get a small brooder set up for it.

Actually there are no code or building restrictions in the area where we live. No inspections. Unlike IL where you had to have EVERYTHING inspected and get a permit to even move a fence two feet, when we put in our electricity 5 years ago we were told, no inspections by the utility office who even sold us much of the materials we needed to run the main line from the pole to the house. I imagine it would be pretty tough to get the Amish to conform to any codes even if there were any.
Congrats on the new chicks. Yes, I have to get a pic of Peanut this morning. I just cut the last of the shell away from it's umbilical cord and it threw itself out of the incubator then gave the lid a sound peck. It's still a bit wobbly but amazingly alert and active this morning. These little creatures are astounding. I'm going to leave it in the bator most of the day as none of the other two eggs are showing any indication of hatching yet and I need to get a small brooder set up for it.

Actually there are no code or building restrictions in the area where we live. No inspections. Unlike IL where you had to have EVERYTHING inspected and get a permit to even move a fence two feet, when we put in our electricity 5 years ago we were told, no inspections by the utility office who even sold us much of the materials we needed to run the main line from the pole to the house. I imagine it would be pretty tough to get the Amish to conform to any codes even if there were any.
That is a lot different from here. Here they Inspect your house and see if it matches their records. If you have made structural changes and not gone through the permit process, then you are fined.

Lots of rules here. For example, it is illegal for me to work on natural gas things since I do not have a license for that type of work.
Heck technically you have to get a permit to change a light fixture...

Its crazy.... But up in the desert there are all sorts of "Creative" dwellings. None are legal but no one cares. Every once and a while the Code Inforcer does a fly by and Obvious offenders get fined.

My neighbor that takes care of my horse lives in what looks like a house from the sky. But as you drive up its really an OLD house trailer the kind that have a rounded front. With a full length Framed addition attatched to one side... And a roof that covers them both...

My house started out life as the "temporary trailer to use for construction" But OOPs they built the house over the top of it... inside or out you would never know... The only way we found out was when I had the Bathroom Rehabbed.... Took it down to the studs and found tin siding half way through the one foot thick walls. :th

Its got great R value... LOL.

I set University of Arkansas Blue egg layers from 1muttsfan and they hatched yesterday!

9 of 11 that went into lockdown. They did great and I did not have a assist any of them.


They were very happy to be in the brooder too:

Lol! NYC doesn't drink their own water they use ours, something about the mineral content in the water makes NY pizza crust the best?
Vehve posted awhile back Finland had I forget the rating for longest or largest aqueduct in the world, I live near and fish in the beginning of the 2nd largest in the world feeding NYC. 455 square miles reservoir 140 or so miles from NYC. So clean they don't even need to filter it. Though of course they do treat it.....
Oldest DD still nailing big trout in it, and dang tasty stuffed and smoke grilled.
Couple of her latest (and her boyfriend caught nothing Lol!!)
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I've been wanting bad to nail some bullhead there at night with the youngsters but 12hr shifts week after week and then rain every weekend..:mad:

On the septic tank, try adding sour milk down the drain, sourer the better, IDK, heard it at some point instead of buying the bacteria tablets. I do it occasionally and never have had to pump out our tank yet.
Lovely DD Beer, and nice fish indeed!:thumbsup

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