The Old Folks Home

It takes a lot of courage to tell those stories, ladies.Thank you for sharing them with us. Unfortunately, lessons learned the hard way are the ones that generally stick with us.

Yesterday was my 64th birthday. It was a good day. I didn't do anything except relaxe and eat cake.

How do you like my new avatar? It came courtesy of my SIL who sent me a birthday card with the little ballerina hen on the front of it. Suddenly I had a picture that screamed avatar at me. Here is the picture of the card.

I just thought she was adorable.
Happy belated birthday. We are older and wiser.
It takes a lot of courage to tell those stories, ladies.Thank you for sharing them with us. Unfortunately, lessons learned the hard way are the ones that generally stick with us.

Yesterday was my 64th birthday. It was a good day. I didn't do anything except relaxe and eat cake.

How do you like my new avatar? It came courtesy of my SIL who sent me a birthday card with the little ballerina hen on the front of it. Suddenly I had a picture that screamed avatar at me. Here is the picture of the card.

I just thought she was adorable.

Happy Belated!!! I noticed your avatar as soon as I signed on & am loving it! :love Move over Disney Princesses... Chicken Princesses rule the roost now!
Thanks everyone. Many people get depressed on their birthdays. I generally don't. Considering all the health crisises I've had in my life, I celebrate every birthday and embrace the number in triumph.

CapricornFarm, I love the new truck. The only vehicle I ever bought new was a canary yellow Ford S10. It was light duty, but I loved it. I called it the Tweety Twuck and had a Tweety Bird with an attitude decal in the back window. I wound up trading it in on a heavier duty van that we still have.

Sometimes I still miss that truck, LOL...but I still have the attitude!
Thanks everyone. Many people get depressed on their birthdays. I generally don't. Considering all the health crisises I've had in my life, I celebrate every birthday and embrace the number in triumph.

CapricornFarm, I love the new truck. The only vehicle I ever bought new was a canary yellow Ford S10. It was light duty, but I loved it. I called it the Tweety Twuck and had a Tweety Bird with an attitude decal in the back window. I wound up trading it in on a heavier duty van that we still have.

Sometimes I still miss that truck, LOL...but I still have the attitude!
I miss a lot of things i have had to leave behind. I tend to get really attached to stuff. I think it is genetic, our whole family is packrats.
I get seriously attached to stuff too, and so did my mom. Unfortunately it's a lot of stuff I am attached to. People say if you don't use something within a year - dump it. :old Yeah and as soon as you do you will need it desperately. New ones will cost much more and fall apart quickly.:mad:

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