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I get seriously attached to stuff too, and so did my mom. Unfortunately it's a lot of stuff I am attached to. People say if you don't use something within a year - dump it. :old Yeah and as soon as you do you will need it desperately. New ones will cost much more and fall apart quickly.:mad:
Exactly! Why keep buying the same stuff over? Wish I had a lot of the stuff I had in TN and FL.
Well, my broody hen with ocular Marek's decided it was too hot to sit in one spot, so that crisis is ended.

In the mean time my munchkin cockerels have decided that it isn't too hot to chase down and tackle hens. Boys will be boys but really....

And we finally got a call back from the DOC officer about our marauding fox. His advice, shoot the little ******! Seriously. Nice to have the game warden's permission. He said that foxes are almost impossible to trap, even using bait, they will sit back and just watch without advancing. He advised us to carry a rifle and take it out at the earliest convenience. Given that the fox is killing livestock (and around us, chickens are considered livestock) it is a nuisance animal and can be dispatched outside of hunting seasons.

I really hate putting a death sentence on this beautiful animal's head but he or she is now a wanted animal, dead, not alive.
I really hate putting a death sentence on this beautiful animal's head but he or she is now a wanted animal, dead, not alive.
After you kill it use the hide.

See, then you won't feel bad, since you turned a varmint into a useful object. Like turning lead into gold.
Well, my broody hen with ocular Marek's decided it was too hot to sit in one spot, so that crisis is ended.

In the mean time my munchkin cockerels have decided that it isn't too hot to chase down and tackle hens. Boys will be boys but really....

And we finally got a call back from the DOC officer about our marauding fox. His advice, shoot the little ******! Seriously. Nice to have the game warden's permission. He said that foxes are almost impossible to trap, even using bait, they will sit back and just watch without advancing. He advised us to carry a rifle and take it out at the earliest convenience. Given that the fox is killing livestock (and around us, chickens are considered livestock) it is a nuisance animal and can be dispatched outside of hunting seasons.

I really hate putting a death sentence on this beautiful animal's head but he or she is now a wanted animal, dead, not alive.
Oh heck, we had bad truck problems in TN. Neighbors caught a fox in a live trap with cat food when they were trying for a feral cat. They let the fox go and it kept eating my chickens! Thought they were take out i guess. Well i ended up with foxes breeding in my back yard. Could not trap them. Had to use other means. They were taking chickens in broad daylight!
Oh heck, we had bad truck problems in TN. Neighbors caught a fox in a live trap with cat food when they were trying for a feral cat. They let the fox go and it kept eating my chickens! Thought they were take out i guess. Well i ended up with foxes breeding in my back yard. Could not trap them. Had to use other means. They were taking chickens in broad daylight!
Oh heck, problems! Can't get my truck off my mind:D

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