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I grew morning glories on an arbor in Calif. They are very pretty.

Wow penny pumpkin head!

Deb I've never wanted anything to do with snakes!
We lived on a place that had a pond and the kids could fish. Every now and then a cotton mouth would show up and charge at the kids. I had a 410 loaded with bird shot and it only took one shot. I'm not messing around with poisons snakes.

These always show up in the fall. One of my favorite flowers.
I'm on the porch enjoying this cool fall morning drinking my coffee and listening to the birds sing.
Life is good!
I am about to get two types of bread going, sourdough french bread and a hard red cracked wheat bread
I have been working on assembling the run today for the other half of the chicken coop. So far 5 out of 6 panels together with hardware cloth skirts in place. Still have trenches to dig and the top of the run to build. I need more lumber, might go get that tomorrow. Excited to get the little ones outside in the fresh air!
I have been working on assembling the run today for the other half of the chicken coop. So far 5 out of 6 panels together with hardware cloth skirts in place. Still have trenches to dig and the top of the run to build. I need more lumber, might go get that tomorrow. Excited to get the little ones outside in the fresh air!
While baking the bread, during the rise times, I will be processing two cockerels and working on cleaning up the run and removing the sun screen. Winter is coming!

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