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I think temperature-wise they're doing okay; when they're not being terrified of me, they don't huddle directly under the light or try to avoid it, and the panting only seems to start up when I'm around. I've been sitting here talking to them for an hour or so now and some of them have stopped panting entirely (the black two seem to have the hardest time calming down!)

I'm so glad they are doing better! It's great you can spend time with them like that. My guys have always been kind of flighty but they will come up to get treats and peck at my fingers now. :):)


Turning in for the night, but I feel like we made some decent progress! The shredded Dandelion leafs made a huge difference; we left them alone with it for a little bit and when we came back, they were much more relaxed. Still huddling away from us, but less frantically and more loosely, with softer peeping and some preening and legs-stretching and itty bitty wing flappies! ♡ I love my Little Peepers

Turning in for the night, but I feel like we made some decent progress! The shredded Dandelion leafs made a huge difference; we left them alone with it for a little bit and when we came back, they were much more relaxed. Still huddling away from us, but less frantically and more loosely, with softer peeping and some preening and legs-stretching and itty bitty wing flappies! ♡ I love my Little Peepers
Their adorable.
Here is a totally unrelated question? I have a female Pekin and two male mallards. About 3 weeks ago my non alpha male started to go after my ankles. He is becoming more and more aggressive. He nips at my ankles my shoes and my hands. Just about any part you can get to. If I pretend to run he chases me. He actually puts his head down and charges. He gets himself in a frenzy then the alpha male starts. Is there any way to curb his aggression? If he gets too much more aggressive he will have to go.
Here is a totally unrelated question? I have a female Pekin and two male mallards. About 3 weeks ago my non alpha male started to go after my ankles. He is becoming more and more aggressive. He nips at my ankles my shoes and my hands. Just about any part you can get to. If I pretend to run he chases me. He actually puts his head down and charges. He gets himself in a frenzy then the alpha male starts. Is there any way to curb his aggression? If he gets too much more aggressive he will have to go.
Get more females.

Here is a totally unrelated question? I have a female Pekin and two male mallards. About 3 weeks ago my non alpha male started to go after my ankles. He is becoming more and more aggressive. He nips at my ankles my shoes and my hands. Just about any part you can get to. If I pretend to run he chases me. He actually puts his head down and charges. He gets himself in a frenzy then the alpha male starts. Is there any way to curb his aggression? If he gets too much more aggressive he will have to go.
and its not aggression this is the most common thing people see as aggression when in the end its because he sees you as a female duck and he wants to mate, he's not aggressive he just wants some special lovin, its a common mistake people make but its nothing to do with him just wanting to hurt you!

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