The Waltons or Little House On The Prairie?

I STILL love Little House on the Prairie and watch it any chance I get. I love Laura's books and have read every one I can get my hands on.
I just love little house I always wanted to marry Chariles, he was such a good man. We still watch it and my boys are getting into it, I like the ones when laura and mary are younger. I wish they would put that kind of stuff back on tv.
We LOVE the Waltons. We have the first two years of the LHOTP, but they don't get watched very often. The Waltons on the other hand, we have all 5 seasons on DVD and we all love them so much! I think my kids are much better people for having watched and incorporated these values. Honestly, I think that they are the good people that they are because of these shows.

Someone also mentioned Anne of Green Gables......totally love them too.
OMG, my friend picks on me because I watch 2 hours of the Waltons every morning on Hallmark channel. I watch Little House too but Ive seen them so many times.
I am obsessed with the Walton's!!!! I watch it every morning on the Hallmark channel, even though I've already seen every episode many, many times. I have all the seasons on DVD. Two summers ago, my dad and I spent about 4 days on "Walton's Mountain". It's really in Schyler VA but we stayed at a bed and breakfast there called "Polly and Jim Bob's". Directly behind the bed and breakfast is the acutal Hamner house. It's sad, but it's in a shamble. We went to the Walton's musem and tour around the Rock Fish River, and went to where the gerneral merchandise store is. We also saw the hospital and stuff. It was really pretty there. Oh yeah, the church the Hamners went to was just beside the bed and breakfast! I have The Walton's Christmas CD, Christmas ornaments and my lightswitch covers in my kitchen are of the Waltons!!! I even have the theme song downloaded on my cell phone!

Beat that!!
i to watch the waltons an little house on hallmark channel every i watch little house in the afternoon as well.if i havent seen it to much.
Many of you would enjoy the books by and about Susanna Moodie. She was married to a British army officer who received a land grant in colonial Canada, and they had some fascinating homesteading adventures.
I wanted to be Laura Ingalls SO BADLY!! And Nelly!
ARGH! My mother never really liked animals that much, and I LOVED horses! (Ended up going to school for Equine Science). I wanted to be allowed to "drive" like Laura. I even attached reins to my banana-seated bicycle! I also wanted a dog and a farm.. she had it ALL! I read all the books several times too!

As for the Waltons... eh... they were a little too goody-2-shoes for me... I liked watching Laura kick Nelly's a$$ once in a while.. Hahaha!!

The only thing Laura had that I didn't want were those buck teeth! Oh, and her ever-sobbing "Pa"


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