The weirdest thing just happened... has this happened to anyone else?

I just wonder why not... I've done it for a couple years cause a friend of mine swears by it, I guess I just took her word for it because she's had chickens way longer than me.

The corn does not keep them warm in the winter. That’s an old wives tale. Corn should only be a treat and 10% of the total feed.
The corn does not keep them warm in the winter. That’s an old wives tale. Corn should only be a treat and 10% of the total feed.
Its an ol wives tail ? LOL Oops . Just finishing up my bag of cracked corn. I thought it helped and I didnt argue that because it saves a little on the feed bill.
My sister had a hen lay an egg while she was carrying her and it broke (luckily it was a bantam, and so the egg was small and it hit the ground instead of my sister). She might have laid a weak or thin shelled egg while you were carrying her and it broke when it hit you. Make sure you supplement with free-choice calcium! If they don’t have it (and the calcium in layer feed might not be enough, so you can’t just feed layer) they can end up with reproductive problems. Hopefully your girl is alright! Looks like she is enjoying the heater :) if she does have any reproductive problems you can do a warm epsom salt soak in a tub or bucket and that will help. You’ll probably have to do it several times. Good luck to you and your hen!

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