The weirdest thing just happened... has this happened to anyone else?

I have read that if you startle a hen when she is close to ready to lay she can lay her egg as a defense thing. Here, eat my egg and let me go ! One with a soft shell or no shell has already been made that way. You didnt do anything wrong.

That’s an old wives tale too haha. When scared egg production decreases but they do not lay for defense.
So she pooped and a little shriveled egg membrane came with it!!
Man the weird thing is, I might not have known if I hadent picked her up to trim her nails!!
Thanks everyone!!
Actually this is a relief to me!
As stated earlier, please give her the human calcium suppliment for a week then make sure to have oyster shell available all the time for them.

I’d keep a close eye on her.
Even though it’s may be just a one time glitch, reproductive/ egg laying issues are serious and you don’t want to be teetering on the edge of a slippery slope if you don’t have to.

Internal laying occurs when the yolk doesn’t get a membrane and shell formed around it. They just fall into the abdominal cavity and if they can’t be expelled they decay. Eventually the hen gets sick and dies.

What’s that expression?
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”?
In this case, a calcium suppliment is your one shot opportunity for that “ounce of prevention”!
Birds are not meant to be picked up so I'm sure you just squeezed her too tight and out popped the yolk...
Sorry, but If birds aren’t meant to be picked up how on earth could you ever provide responsible care for them?
Slingshot? T-shirt cannon?

I handle my birds all the time and that includes picking them up.

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