They haven't laid for 7 months!

Amy the artist

In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2024
Hi I'm new here. I live on the east side of Washington State. I have 3 ducks (one drake, 2 hens) and 2 chickens. They're in different pens so they have plenty of room and don't harrass one another. All appear healthy, plenty of food, grubs, clean water but they haven't laid (none of them) since late summer😣. Please help. I only have them for the egg production.
Hello Amy, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
How old are they? Do they have lots of space and are stress free and happy? Production should have picked up with the days getting longer now.
I have a runner duck that is almost a year. The white one is getting older. The chickens maybe going on 2 years. All seem stress free. Plenty of room, straw, water. I use cheap Walmart food for layers? Maybe I should switch?
Hiya, Amy, and welcome to BYC!! :frow That cheap layer feed might be okay, but they'd possibly do better on something with less fillers and more nutrients. Try get a bag of oyster shell and put it in a separate dish for them. That feed may not have enough in it, most doesn't as a lot of us put out calcium for our hens. They only eat it if they need it, and they do eat it!!
What is the protein percentage on your layer feed? Do you know what breeds your chickens are? Not sure why your birds stopped laying so early last "fall", but we are just getting into the longer days that trigger the birds to begin laying again. I have only had a few duck eggs this season, and I have 30 ducks. I don't expect them to be in full laying mode for a couple weeks yet.

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