~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

I don't think so. The only thing I've heard about the wings is the even/uneven feathers. And aren't d'uccles fairly hard to sex anyway? I'd think if he knew that way to sex and it was correct it would be mentioned other places too

I have a friend whose nephew can sex chickens by the structure of their pelvises. About 4 years ago she went into a hatchamania and she claims that he accuratly sexed her chickens. But he holds that card close to his chest and he wouldn't even explain to her the details of how he does it. I can see how it might be possible because the pelvises do differ between the sexes. But in tiny chicks it is going to be a subtle difference. That would take looking at a lot of chicken butts to perfect his technique of using just his trained eyes. Now if you had calipers to measure the pelvises and collected the data from many different breeds you could possibly put together a chart/s that listed the measurements that other people could follow. That is if he just isn't really good at vent sexing and putting one over on his aunt.
Last night I moved all eggs set the 7th, to the hatcher including several with external pips-- dreading that too many of the aircells still are not big enough.

THis morning woke to 2 dead in shell poults.
THis hatch will not be going very well for the poults-- good thing the hens are still laying, I"ve started collecting again . .

THe Am/EE chicks are popping like popcorn. THose hatch in just a matter of hours!
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My turkeys are hatching too. But one pipped good but drowned in shell wish I would looked earlier. Another is alive and kicking in there. One more to go on the baby turkeys. Only 3 eggs (royal palms made it to lock down)
The chicks are hatching like crazy a day ahead of time heard them last night when I went to bed 11:30 PM.
I have alot of test eggs in there All pullet eggs
#1 1/2 crested cream legbars/brown leghorn
#2 1/2 cuckoo marans/ crested cream legbar
#3 salmon favarolle eggs
#4 silver lace wyandottes
and of course Some of my favors EEs /splash wheaten amerucana (in case the others didn't hatch !!!!!!! any excuse to hatch....
Some wheaten marans I am probably drowned 1/2 off them
I wonder if I should lower my humidity. It has been solid staggered hatches for 3 months now
I find when I second guess myself I really mess up.
HAPPY HATCHING Need another cup of coffee......Some thing woke the chickens early 5 am.
had to go see if dogs were after them. Didn't see anything but some was out there. I swear the intruders can hear my feet hit the bedroom floor and me grapping the shotgun!!!!!!
coffee is done
Hey it looks like 5 of the remaining 6 turkey eggs have pipped. I am getting the brooder ready and wanted to know what the best temperature to start these guys out. At the moment I have 98.4˚ over by the light and 94.5˚ in the far corners of the box.
When I lifted my goose off the nest this am there is a duck egg with external pip. I let her get back on the nest, but the poor girl is skinny. I've been pulling her off and making her go to creek for water and food. I also keep water and food in the house for her and the duck, but she isn't eating much if any.

Should I leave her alone since there is a pip?
Some thing woke the chickens early 5 am.
had to go see if dogs were after them. Didn't see anything but some was out there. I swear the intruders can hear my feet hit the bedroom floor and me grapping the shotgun!!!!!!
coffee is done

One of my dogs started barking at 2am... went outside with the gun and a flashlight.. nothing in sight.. birds were all sleeping peacefully.. the only thing different was teh sound of a train in the distance

so now this dog thinks trains are a threat... it's gonna be a loooong summer....

Hey it looks like 5 of the remaining 6 turkey eggs have pipped. I am getting the brooder ready and wanted to know what the best temperature to start these guys out. At the moment I have 98.4˚ over by the light and 94.5˚ in the far corners of the box.

I just hang a light in the brooder and don't worry about it (off to one end)... if they are cold they will huddle close to the light (so at that point I lay a towel across the wire lid of the brooder to keep them warmer ... but not directly over the light since I want to avoid any sort of fire hazard.. even though there is a wire lid between the light and the towel).. if the babies are too hot they will go to the far end of the brooder away from the light... which tells me to raise the light up some or go with a lower wattage bulb...

either way the babies will let you know if things are to their liking or not.. just remember.. a fussy crying bunch of babies means there is a problem... and some breeds/types/hatches of birds like more warmth than others.. so I never bother to take temps in the brooders.. i just see how the babies act and adjust things as needed
Okay, here's my hatch so far...

Coturnix Quails

I had to put them in a little shoebox to get their picture because they are like popcorn. Jumping all around and they scurry away from you so fast lol. It would be so easy to lose them. There's 14 of them.

And here are 4 of my poults. I've had another poult who just hatched, that's not in the pictures. And I have three turkey eggs left in the incubator with two of them having external pips. Just waiting on them. I have two black spanish poults( from ebay), two marked sweetgrass? and a mix who isn't shown yet (Arielle's eggs). I'll get more pics once they're finished up hatching.

Learning to walk :)

Thanks again Arielle for these sweet babies!! This was so much fun. I still have pheasant eggs due around the 9th and mystery duck eggs. No clue if they're mallard derived or muscovy ducks. I got them at an auction and they were only marked "duck eggs". We'll see what happens with them!
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Hey it looks like 5 of the remaining 6 turkey eggs have pipped. I am getting the brooder ready and wanted to know what the best temperature to start these guys out. At the moment I have 98.4˚ over by the light and 94.5˚ in the far corners of the box.

are you hatching them with chickens or by there selves. Is it in a single hatch or a on going solid staggered hatch.
Now the other turkey eggs I have going is in the Brinsea 20. as a fresh hatch. I am not having to raise the humidity until they are due. Using a dry hatch around 37.5 Humidity .
Ae hatching in egg cartons or laying down/
I now have two babies out. Both have feathered feet and toes and the first has 5 toes on one for and 4 on the other.


First one when it hatched at 430 this morning.

Second when it hatched at 1130 am.

First mostly fluffed and the 3rd pip.

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