Three Weeks, time to guess the sex!


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Bay City, TX

I'm thinking pullet? Although the tail feathers aren't showing up yet.

I'm totally undecided on this one.

Here's the first one's 'twin'. I'm going with Pullet.

The title of this picture is "I'm a boy!" Even though his tail feathers came in days before everybody elses, I've had him pegged as a cockrel since he hatched. Believe it or not, he's only 6 hours older than the next youngest, and 36 hours older than the youngest.

Boy boy boy boy boy

Boy. Look at that comb!

Look at those waddles! What a pitty, I really liked this chick. Maybe he'll be well behaved and get along with my (hopefully I'll get a) cream legbar roo.

I couldn't help it, one more of the firstborn. Too bad he's destined for the stew pot. What a pretty bird.

The youngest. Also, kind of a runt. I didn't expect this one to live. But live it did. Pullet?

I'm going with pullet.
The only one that screams boy to me is the black one with the huge comb.
If the other one you think is a boy is an EE, that's color and pattern are actually very female. I don't see an obvious red patches that would indicate its a cockerel. BUT...
They're only 3 weeks old, which gives quite a bit of time for them to change.
He does have red patches on his chin. Not as extreme as the marans cross, but they are there. The comb development is minimal to. He may be feathered like a female, but his stance! His attitude! The size of his feet! Everything else screams boy.

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