Hi, it's time for new chicks. I've got 4 old hens from 2015, they are an Ameraucana, Buckeye, Speckled Sussex and a RIR (I think). The feed store has a chick schedule, so there are different breeds from which I have to choose. I really want to get a Blue Rock and a Lavender Orpington.
I want a Marans, they get Cuckoo, French Black Copper, French Blue Copper, Noir and Golden Cuckoo Marans.
I'd crossed off the different varieties of Wyandottes as I've read that they're chicken dominant and I don't want that. I'm thinking of crossing off the Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island Blue for that same reason.
I like the Prairie Bluebell Egger and Starlight Green Egger - but I'm concerned as the information I have on them are that they're 4 pounds, which is smaller than the others and I'd be concerned that they'd be picked on.
Other breeds that the feed store gets are Barred Rock, Brahamas, Olive Egger, Columbia Rock Cross, Black Sex Link, Partridge Rock, Amber link, Wellsummer.
Are any of those ones I should try to stay away from or must have?
I'm looking at getting 5 chicks. That's the minimum we have to purchase in our state. I'd prefer just 3, but that doesn't seem to be allowed.
I'm in Maryland, we get both winters and hot summers. We have freezing temps, but nothing like Minnesota winters. They're most likely going to be confined in their coop and run. My very first batch of chickens had the run of the back yard, my 2015 crew decided to hop our fence, cross the road and poop in neighbor's yards, so they stopped getting to roam the yard.
What are your opinions on these breeds?
I want a Marans, they get Cuckoo, French Black Copper, French Blue Copper, Noir and Golden Cuckoo Marans.
I'd crossed off the different varieties of Wyandottes as I've read that they're chicken dominant and I don't want that. I'm thinking of crossing off the Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island Blue for that same reason.
I like the Prairie Bluebell Egger and Starlight Green Egger - but I'm concerned as the information I have on them are that they're 4 pounds, which is smaller than the others and I'd be concerned that they'd be picked on.
Other breeds that the feed store gets are Barred Rock, Brahamas, Olive Egger, Columbia Rock Cross, Black Sex Link, Partridge Rock, Amber link, Wellsummer.
Are any of those ones I should try to stay away from or must have?
I'm looking at getting 5 chicks. That's the minimum we have to purchase in our state. I'd prefer just 3, but that doesn't seem to be allowed.
I'm in Maryland, we get both winters and hot summers. We have freezing temps, but nothing like Minnesota winters. They're most likely going to be confined in their coop and run. My very first batch of chickens had the run of the back yard, my 2015 crew decided to hop our fence, cross the road and poop in neighbor's yards, so they stopped getting to roam the yard.
What are your opinions on these breeds?