Treating upper respiratory infections

It will definitely be effective, and won't harm your bird. The potency may be a bit diminished, but only having recently expired, it should still be very good to use.
I know of others who have used theirs up to a year after exp. and they say it still works.
It needs to be stored in a cool dark place-not refrigerated.
Thanks for asking,

He's actually doing MUCH better, this morning before I left for work I noticed that he wasn't gasping for air and opening his mouth wide.. and on top of that, he doesn't have rattled breathing as much.
You can barely hear anything now, so he's really responding to the Tylan-50 and/or the Duramycin-10 very well.


I think the worst is over, but I'm still going to keep him isolated and medicated for the next 2 or 3 days.. and try to beef him up a little more so he won't get attacked and if so then he can fight back! lol
That is very good to hear! Keep in mind that the tylan 50 needs to be given for five complete days-don't stop early even if he looks completely recovered. Like human antibiotics, if you don't finish the full course, they will build an immunity to it thereby making it less effective later and lowering his natural immunity.

I am so very glad he is making such good progress
He's still got a low rumble when he breathes (but mostly at night time) and I'm assuming that's just like human s sickness.
I know in the past when I'm coming down with a cold that I'm always worse at night time.

We're on day 3 of medication and today we didn't give him his full dosages. We started off at 1/4 cc of Tylan-50 2x daily.. and on day 2 we bumped it up to 1/2 cc of Tylan-50 2 times a day.
Today (day 3) we only gave him 1 dose, only due to my neighbor not being here until 7pm tonight..

He's been acting like he's got the hiccups some times. ??
Not sure why he's doing that.

But aside from that I guess he's improving in health.


Look at the photos and tell me why his feathers are so greasy looking.. The other silkie i've got looks the same way.. I can't figure it out.

I would say the feather thing just looks like to me that your silkies have more actual feathers than all over typical silkie fluff-that's what I can tell from looking at the pic.
Stay consistent with the antibiotics-that's his best chance.
You can try searching BYC for the hiccups-I have never experienced that.
yes there is an excellent product on ebay called pure sulfa livestock medicine.... you can put it in there food or water and sprinkle it on eye awesome!!!!!
We have a 28 week old Sicilian Buttercup roo that we can't seem to get over his respiratory infection. He is head roo of our backyard flock of 17, but he can't seem to beat this infection. While no one is picking on him, he has recently taken to spending time in the nest boxes when the hens vacate. He has been in isolation and he has been in the coop, he has been inside and outside, and he has been on Duramycin and Poultry Remedy VetRX, but nothing seems to work. His runny eyes are the only thing that has improved. He still has mucus on his mouth and nostrils and seems to be only able to breathe through this mouth. His cough is in his chest and his crow is hoarse. Coop stays between 35-45 degrees but we are expecting nor'easter and temps in the teens so I brought him in tonight. Any ideas on what to do next? We have been fighting this for weeks!!
We have a 28 week old Sicilian Buttercup roo that we can't seem to get over his respiratory infection. He is head roo of our backyard flock of 17, but he can't seem to beat this infection. While no one is picking on him, he has recently taken to spending time in the nest boxes when the hens vacate. He has been in isolation and he has been in the coop, he has been inside and outside, and he has been on Duramycin and Poultry Remedy VetRX, but nothing seems to work. His runny eyes are the only thing that has improved. He still has mucus on his mouth and nostrils and seems to be only able to breathe through this mouth. His cough is in his chest and his crow is hoarse. Coop stays between 35-45 degrees but we are expecting nor'easter and temps in the teens so I brought him in tonight. Any ideas on what to do next? We have been fighting this for weeks!!
Has he ever had a bad odor about his face that might be coryza? Any swelling of the face or eyes? How long has he been sick?CRD or mycoplasma responds well to Tylan50 injections, and coryza will respond best to Di-Methox (sulfadimethoxine) or if you can't get that, Sulmet.

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