Tube feeding formula recipes


Free Ranging
Nov 10, 2019
Northern California
Anyone have recipes for tube feeding formula, I’m running low on my Harrison’s recovery formula and the next order won’t be here for a day or two. I’m tube feeding a very sick gander who isn’t capable of going without in his current state. The local pet stores don’t carry any kind of hand feeding formula and the local vets don’t carry anything at all for avians “My avian vet’s two and a half hours away” so I’m in a pinch.

Any at home recipes for putting weight on a sick bird would be a huge help right now.
I started using Encore Avian Gro-Rite as a formula substitute, it’s 30% protein which is about what his recovery formula is and it’s biven him more energy the last few days.

His Harrison’s recovery formula is still sitting in a FedEx facility is much for overnight shipping.
Hope he is feeling better!!!!
It’s ups and downs so I’m not sure.
He has more strength, his arrhythmia is gone, his shortness of breath is mild most of the time, he ate a little on his own the day before yesterday.
But his mobility in both legs is worse, his left leg much more than the right and he has developed a runny nose.
The vet is sending a little kit she made up to collect blood from him and his mom for testing, depending on the results she might switch his antibiotic or start other treatments.
It’s ups and downs so I’m not sure.
He has more strength, his arrhythmia is gone, his shortness of breath is mild most of the time, he ate a little on his own the day before yesterday.
But his mobility in both legs is worse, his left leg much more than the right and he has developed a runny nose.
The vet is sending a little kit she made up to collect blood from him and his mom for testing, depending on the results she might switch his antibiotic or start other treatments.
I will be prying for them. I truly hope they recover!

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