
  1. Daniel Grey

    Quail recipes?

    Hello! I am just starting raising quail for meat, any suggestions for recipes?
  2. Melko

    What should I do with all these eggs?

    Eggs n' toast, scrambled, sunnyside, boiled, steamed, Shakshuka, cooked into pancakes, waffles, pastries, eggnog, pickled in a jar... We're a family of seven and we're getting more eggs than we can eat. It's reached a point where I'm the only one eating any. I love eggs, I can eat them for...
  3. thoeffel1994

    For those who raise their ducks for meat. What are your favorite duck recipes? Any suggestions on a good recipe to take to a potluck?

    For those who raise their ducks for meat. What are your favorite duck recipes? Any suggestions on a good recipe to take to a potluck?
  4. thoeffel1994

    For those who raise their ducks for meat. What are your favorite duck recipes?

    For those who raise their ducks for meat. What are your favorite duck recipes? Any suggestions on a good recipe to take to a potluck?
  5. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    What is your favorite way to prepare a whole chicken?

    Hi everyone! I processed my first meat birds (CX) in the fall and have been enjoying pulling meat from the fridge to cook with that I pieced out after processing. Delicious! Best chicken I've ever had! Anyway, I left 2 birds whole and I really want to cook at least 1 whole and do something...
  6. The chicken nurd

    Any one have any good chicken friendly cake recipes for your hens

    Hey I’ve heard of chicken cake recipes that hens can eat I was wondering if you guys have any good one My EE is turning 10 years old next month and I was hoping to do something special for her
  7. Bonkerelli

    Instapot Lovers Unite!

    Instapot has been a huge hit ever since it came out. Feel free to share your favorite recipes here or tell us why you love the Instapot! Don't forget to tag others who love this product! @Weeg @Sally PB
  8. S


    Hi Guys and Gals, I'm pretty new at raising chickens and figured Black Australorps would be the best starter...Needless to say, they have been incredible so far. Truth is, they're not pets and they are being raised for their eggs, but the day will come when we'll need to start thinking about...
  9. Joyfillednomads

    Duck & Chicken egg French Toast

    "Duck & Chicken egg French Toast" Best used with older not fresh bread. Heat cold pressed extra virgin olive oil in pan. Mix eggs with & ingredients Spices: Real vanilla extract Cinnamon Nutmeg Ground clove Allspice Kosher sea salt Can add a table spoon or so of milk. Allow each slice of...
  10. Goosebaby

    Tube feeding formula recipes

    Anyone have recipes for tube feeding formula, I’m running low on my Harrison’s recovery formula and the next order won’t be here for a day or two. I’m tube feeding a very sick gander who isn’t capable of going without in his current state. The local pet stores don’t carry any kind of hand...
  11. Dfarago

    Muscovy duck recipes

    I now have nine Muscovies in my freezer. Anyone have any good recipes for Muscovy meat specifically that doesn’t cost a lot?
  12. FluffTheDuck

    Baked Lemon Chicken

    For this recipe, you’ll need boneless skinless chicken breasts. I brown the breasts before I put them in the oven, it takes a few extra minutes but I feel like the added flavor is so worth it. After the chicken is golden brown and crispy, it goes into a baking dish with some lemon juice...
  13. 3bird

    (Duck) Eggs! It's What's for Dinner - Thinking Outside the Shell

    Hi, Guys. We've started a thread of our favorite duck egg recipes over in the duck forum, but somebody told me I should also post here. Click here to see the original thread, or you can jump to a specific recipe from the links below. Recipe One: Duck Egg Curry (Burmese, not Indian) Recipe...
  14. KLIL

    What's for Dinner?

    Hi Everyone, Thought I would make a post to share recipes, dinner ideas with each other, get to know each other a bit better and ask how to make something you would like to make. Tonight for dinner is Slow Cooked Chicken Fajitas. I will post photos last today. What are you having for...
  15. PirateGirl

    What's in your QUICHE?

    Now that spring has sprung and we have lots of eggs I've been on a quiche kick. So easy to make and easy to pack to work for breakfasts and lunches. What are your favorite filling combos for quiche? My most recent quiche was tomato, mozzarella, chives, and Italian seasoning. The last one was...
  16. Lazy Farmer


    This Thread is in conjunction with: SPRING CHICKEN Contest Series Extravaganza! ALL MEMBERS MAY ENTER!
  17. Functional Rustic

    Cooking Bronze Turkey Eggs

    My bronze turkey, Gladys, is laying eggs now. So cool. The first few were twin yolks. I'm noticing that the yolk is much thicker than a chicken egg. How will my dishes change when I use Turkey egg instead of Chicken egg? Do you have any Turkey Egg specific recipes? Any tips for breaking the...
  18. fangedknight

    Rabbit Recipes?

    Hey guys! Wanted to see if anyone had any good recipes for cooking rabbit. We're just getting ready to get started on our meat rabbit project and I wanted to get some ideas for what to make when the time comes.
  19. Smuvers Farm

    Bright Idea to Use, yet Save Eggs!

    I didn't see anything posted like this, but people I've spoken with thought it was ingenious, so I thought I'd pass this on to you! Take some egg rings, like the pic below, and put them into a pan on the stove over medium-ish heat. Now, crack your egg into it. Once the bottom starts to set...
  20. Starlings and dogs

    birthday ideas

    ok so i need some vegan recipes and some fun cheap game ideas oh and some decor ideas thanks so much
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