
Wow! Good lookin' SLW.

Hey Lisa, if you think the boy-to-girl ratio with Polish is lopsided, you ought to try Icelandics. There are more males born than females :)  But they're still too much fun.

Ara, yep! That sounds like what I was doing earlier this year. I actually had a couple of chicks that would knock their water over on purpose and then look at me like, "Oops. Fix it. :plbb "

So Icelandics and Polish....buy ten chicks if you want a guaranteed girl! lol!
Yesterday i found small egg in the bantam nesting box, it was larger then the first one with the triple yolks. But today we found this!
Could this be my little EE? Body wise she is the same size as the silkies. but as you can see the egg is not a bad size and is really light in color. I work all day so its hard to watch to see who is going in and out of the bantam coop. The big girls go in there sometimes but the nesting box only had a small little impressions in the pine shavings, the large hens have a habit of scratching a large bowl in the wood shavings.
Looks like you have some good size eggs there MadChicken! Awesome! I would guess, only guess here, that the whitish egg could be a banty egg....and you would think an EE would lay a more colored egg than that....but anything can happen for sure!

I love all those various sizes, Gigantic down to that teensy cute one :)
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Looks like you have some good size eggs there MadChicken! Awesome! I would guess, only guess here, that the whitish egg could be a banty egg....and you would think an EE would lay a more colored egg than that....but anything can happen for sure!

I love all those various sizes, Gigantic down to that teensy cute one
They look big cause that is my 10 year old sons hands. But the green egg and the large brown one is a jumbo size.If this is my EE bantam then i am very happy with the size just not the color. I will have to watch them this weekend and try to catch the ones that are going in and out of the banty coop.
Those are gorgeous eggs.

I'm giggling over the random rooster showing up.

So, Fonzie the chick is really starting to grow on me. I don't like that because I'm completely sure he's going to be a boy, and I don't have room for another boy. But he is showing so much more personality than most of my chickens. He will NOT stay in the time out corner of the coop where he's safe from all the big chickens. No idea how he's getting out, but after sticking him back there multiple times a day, I've given up. He's still small enough that he can get out of the run if he wants because we have some chain link, and he can fit through that. Most of the chickens are quite mean to him, but he's so desperate to be part of the flock that he puts up with it. Thing 1, my girl polish seems to be his buddy. I'm not sure if that's because she's nice, or if she can't see him underfoot. LOL When I come up, he runs right up to me, and is right underfoot. I'm scared I'm going to step on him. So, I tend to pick him up, and he thinks that's a fine idea. Here's a picture of him roosting with the big kids. Sorry for the quality, it was dark.

Those are gorgeous eggs.

I'm giggling over the random rooster showing up.

So, Fonzie the chick is really starting to grow on me. I don't like that because I'm completely sure he's going to be a boy, and I don't have room for another boy. But he is showing so much more personality than most of my chickens. He will NOT stay in the time out corner of the coop where he's safe from all the big chickens. No idea how he's getting out, but after sticking him back there multiple times a day, I've given up. He's still small enough that he can get out of the run if he wants because we have some chain link, and he can fit through that. Most of the chickens are quite mean to him, but he's so desperate to be part of the flock that he puts up with it. Thing 1, my girl polish seems to be his buddy. I'm not sure if that's because she's nice, or if she can't see him underfoot. LOL When I come up, he runs right up to me, and is right underfoot. I'm scared I'm going to step on him. So, I tend to pick him up, and he thinks that's a fine idea. Here's a picture of him roosting with the big kids. Sorry for the quality, it was dark.

isn't he cute.
Fonzi is a nice looking guy! I can tell he has that sweet look to his face/eyes. How fun. You just may have to have one moooore. roo. Is that a Delaware? Light SS? Lav. SS? Guessing, I may get one right. Very pretty with that dark coming around the neck. Has he got some in the wings and tail as well?

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