
The white chicken behind Thing 1 is Chloe, my Coronation Sussex pullet. She's the one that had to have her toes taped. Fonzi is the little bitty guy in the front. His mom is a GLW and dad is a BCM.
I promise it is purely coincidence my trick was carried out on my own turf
I swear lol but it is pretty funny hee hee. Mimi you made any chicken friends upset lately?
Just what you needed was one more roo! Eeek!
Chick Place, I like that Polish! Pretty color.
Red, great news on your black Am! I got one black Am girl too from that batch you brought back from Cynthia...the rest were boys. She just got red this week, so we are on the countdown to eggs from those two girls! Yay! Now we wait impatiently
What did you name yours? Ours has changed names a few times, we cannot settle on a good one for her.

I named mine Raven, for two reasons: She's always been a beautiful black girl, and she would croak when she was little. That was how I could tell her and her brother, Arthur, apart. I'll have to get pictures of her when I can sneak out to see her next. She is gorgeous. She's been getting red in the face for a while, but I had just shrugged it off as her being a 'him'. I didn't even think of that until now! Eee!
And I can't have her outside of the run with my EE roo, because for some reason he's a dweeb and doesn't like black chickens. Raven knows she can hide behind me when he comes around, though. He won't get close enough for me to grab him any more.

So Icelandics and Polish....buy ten chicks if you want a guaranteed girl! lol!

Erm yep, I think that pretty much sums it up.

Those are gorgeous eggs.

I'm giggling over the random rooster showing up.

So, Fonzie the chick is really starting to grow on me. I don't like that because I'm completely sure he's going to be a boy, and I don't have room for another boy. But he is showing so much more personality than most of my chickens. He will NOT stay in the time out corner of the coop where he's safe from all the big chickens. No idea how he's getting out, but after sticking him back there multiple times a day, I've given up. He's still small enough that he can get out of the run if he wants because we have some chain link, and he can fit through that. Most of the chickens are quite mean to him, but he's so desperate to be part of the flock that he puts up with it. Thing 1, my girl polish seems to be his buddy. I'm not sure if that's because she's nice, or if she can't see him underfoot. LOL When I come up, he runs right up to me, and is right underfoot. I'm scared I'm going to step on him. So, I tend to pick him up, and he thinks that's a fine idea. Here's a picture of him roosting with the big kids. Sorry for the quality, it was dark.

Sounds cute
That's kind of what happened with my Icelandics. I figured that if I got two boys, I would get rid of one and keep the other. Then I couldn't decide which one I liked better. And then they had to go and turn really sweet and social on me. Now I've got two boys. I don't regret having them, though. One is my cuddle buddy and the other one babysits the two pullets I got from Hattie. They're both well behaved. Cockerels do grow on you.
Red, I like the name Raven, perfect! I gotta come up with something nice for mine, she is a sweetheart. She was in the coop this morning, dug around in the nest for a few minutes, then left. Never sat...but she is thinking about it :)
Picture overload of my frizzle Silkie..from Sundance..Sphinx, you will have to post your baby soon.

I looked at my table decorated in fall leaves..thought I would take a chance and put her
on the table, it's glass top, so if she had a little accident, it would be easy to clean up..
but, she didn't. She was a good "girl" through the whole photo shoot.

The pics of her in the leaves show her cute face, these others show how she is getting more

Can't really tell in this picture, but those feathers on the feet are really flipping up this
way and that

Frizzle wazzle frazzly..

This is Duchess, and she better stay a Duchess, I just love her already!
Wow Cynthia she has really grown already! Pretty Girl!
Thank you ~ and, thank you for saying Girl!

Sounds like you are about to get an egg from a black Ameraucana I sent you a while back. Have to see the egg..did Red already show off her egg? I may have missed that, I just remember her saying she got an egg from hers.

My wheaten is getting more pink. I think she still has some time. My guess is, my next one to lay in the three that will give me a colored egg..will be the EE mix..leghorn/EE. She is getting pretty pink too. Thinking her body build looks more more leghorn in the shoulder area..but more the size of a pullet EE..my little Miss Piggy isn't big at all, but she sure give big eggs for her size. DH and I wonder how she does it. But she is, right through her moulting.

Oh, my Wellies are due to hatch tomorrow. Here are a couple of pictures of the eggs, to show the color of them. They are small, so must be pullet eggs, but still nice size. They get bigger than this when they have laid a while.

The flash is not showing the other two as well, but I like this one with the speckles showing up
Hey Brad. Are you getting winterized? I have some things going so my babies can be outside, and it's going to get down to 33 tonight here in our area.
A heat lamp for sure for them. My big girls won't get that for a while. I know you don't use one, and it seems they do fine. I'm a scaredy cat, have to put heat on them.
Picture overload of my frizzle Silkie..from Sundance..Sphinx, you will have to post your baby soon.

I looked at my table decorated in fall leaves..thought I would take a chance and put her
on the table, it's glass top, so if she had a little accident, it would be easy to clean up..
but, she didn't. She was a good "girl" through the whole photo shoot.

The pics of her in the leaves show her cute face, these others show how she is getting more

Can't really tell in this picture, but those feathers on the feet are really flipping up this
way and that

Frizzle wazzle frazzly..

This is Duchess, and she better stay a Duchess, I just love her already!
This is so cute I just can't handle it
Cynthia-- my blue wheaten the same age as yours is starting with pink, they were born end of May -I have a pair of Wheatens 1 month older born the end of April, one started laying already , the other one is really red, so I am guessing these will start in a month-ish. I love how spread out the new eggs have been, I have been able to identify the layers a little better lol! Problem is it shows how dang many chicks I acquired. It just did not seem to stop this season haha!

Nice Welsummer speckles! I bet those babies will be adorable!
Hey Brad.  Are you getting winterized?   I have some things going so my babies can be outside, and it's going to get down to 33 tonight here in our area.
A heat lamp for sure for them.  My big girls won't get that for a while.  I know you don't use one, and it seems they do fine.  I'm a scaredy cat, have to put heat on them.  :/
i am slowly getting things winterized. i have not got my new run built, i am going to wait until the spring because i am trying to get my basement done. i am putting feed bags over some of my vents because i have two 2x8 vents on my coop and i do not need that much in winter. i got my heater in my nipple bucket that will kick on when the water is near freezing to keep away the ice. i too am scared so that is why i do not heat, you know with the power going out. i got tons of bedding out there and the roof sucks in the heat. the girls will be okay :)

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