
Oct 10, 2017
Hello, I am in a contest to win a $500 grant from the Florida Permaculture Convergence to buy the things I need to finally get my chickens. If you would be so kind as to vote for me please send your name (you may use an alias) and the subject ''Voting Heidi's Chickens'' to the Florida Permaculture Convergence at [email protected]
I really need the grant, we finally got hens legalized here, and got evacuated for hurricane Irma in the same month, along with several other things that happened that month like my husband needing a dentist, etc etc.. I am so broke right now but with chickens finally being legal I can not wait. Coming across this grant just in time to apply was so amazing, and winning it would make a difference to my whole community. Chickens have a bad reputation here from being not properly cared for, and I can show people how they can be when properly kept.
I've posted about this in a lot of places and groups over the last two months, asking for votes, but when I posted it in the introduce yourself forum of this group I had so many people tell me they voted for me, it was really amazing. I've got two weeks left before the votes are counted on December 1st. and I'm hoping to finish strong with your help. Thank you so much again to everyone who already voted for me and to anyone who does. This is a fantastic group, so glad to have found you all. You all have been so helpful already. Thanks <3 Wish me luck! :) I'm so excited it's almost time to find out who won but then again freaking out it might not be me! eek! :p
More info about the grant and FPC here> http://flpermacultureconvergence.org/2017-grant-application-heidis-chickens/ Thanks :)
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Just voted! Good luck with getting those chickens. :)

Thank you so much. Without the votes I've gotten here I don't think I would have a chance. Everywhere else I've posted about it I either get no responses, or my post gets deleted. It got deleted on Backyard Chickens Facebook Group. i was surprised after the welcome I had gotten here! Thanks again. I'll post here to let you know what happens, early December, whether I win or not :)
It’s my pleasure. You can also go door to door and ask people to sign a petition supporting why you should get the grant. Good luck. I will forward your first post to my family and ask them to vote for you.

aw, thanks so much! I think every vote is going to be very important. I have asked all my neighbors to email them but I wonder if I could hand out cards or something with the email, at an event or something..will search for one, maybe the local farmer's market has a lot of vendors on Saturdays that might be sympathetic. :)
Tomorrow at noon voting ends, December 1st, and shortly after I should be able to find out who won. Thanks everyone so much who voted for me and if you still want to vote you can, just email your name (you may use an alias) and the subject VOTING HEIDI"S CHICKENS to [email protected] I will let you all know if I win! Thanks again! :)

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