
10 Years
Jun 8, 2013
I have 15-18 chickens in a coop. Eight are mature hens, three are mature roosters & the other seven are chicks (sex tbd). These are all bantam sized chickens.

We are looking in to building an actual poultry barn soon that would be able to house LOADS of all sorts of birds! I would love to throw some ducks, MAYBE some geese & more chickens in to the mix.. however, I'm concerned for the safety of my miniature sized chickens! I know that people have all sorts of animals that coexist together.. but what are your thoughts of mixing so many different types & sizes of birds together, especially since how they're so little?

Just to add, these would be free range birds 99% of the time, weather permitting. Even then, they would have access to a run.
Depends on the set up. I personally keep most of my bantams separately for their own safety.

My standard breed chickens and muscovy share an area. They bicker back and forth at times. Nothing too serious.

Turkeys have their own shed and run because turkeys can be bullies. Same with my geese. They run with my goats. They will kill chickens, or any unfamiliar bird in their area.

Every situation and set up is different. Having places for birds to get away from each other, and not crowding helps. Multiple feed and watering areas is important. Almost always the bigger birds win. Just depends on how you feel. I don't like seeing my bantams being harassed by bigger chickens.
Depends on the set up. I personally keep most of my bantams separately for their own safety.

My standard breed chickens and muscovy share an area. They bicker back and forth at times. Nothing too serious.

Turkeys have their own shed and run because turkeys can be bullies. Same with my geese. They run with my goats. They will kill chickens, or any unfamiliar bird in their area.

Every situation and set up is different. Having places for birds to get away from each other, and not crowding helps. Multiple feed and watering areas is important. Almost always the bigger birds win. Just depends on how you feel. I don't like seeing my bantams being harassed by bigger chickens.
Great points! I think that because I haven't had any bigger chickens around them that I forget how large "regular" chickens are. I may skip the geese for now, but the ducks I'm eyeing are on the smaller side.

We have quite a large area for them to roam & sometimes the chickens are spread out over the area, so I think they would all have some breathing room.

Thanks for the info! 😊

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