Was the Canadian goose domesticated n dumped or wild ? We got one that just showed up


Feb 1, 2024
So middle of last week my teenager got home from school to find a large Canadian goose trying to enter our property via foot not flight . I have the road and neighbors fenced off to keep my animals out of harms way the side is open to the woods and my backyard is open to the woods so by no means r we enclosed. But this goose came right in and joined my mixed flock. We r wondering wtf is going on because this is my and I don't think Canadian geese molt this time of year and this goose refuses to fly like my domestic geese. It's not unhealthy or hurt just wont fly and acts as if it was raised here. It has gone into the barn at night with the mixed flock and seems to be content with chickens and ducks. We aren't keeping it against it's will but it sure seems quite willing to drink from water buckets swim in a kitty pool eat flock feed and loiter around the yard all day then going into barn at night. It walks out of barn in the am right past me to get outside. Is this a wild goose who decided to take easy street or could this be a case of humans raising a wild animal then dumping it at my farm?
So middle of last week my teenager got home from school to find a large Canadian goose trying to enter our property via foot not flight . I have the road and neighbors fenced off to keep my animals out of harms way the side is open to the woods and my backyard is open to the woods so by no means r we enclosed. But this goose came right in and joined my mixed flock. We r wondering wtf is going on because this is my and I don't think Canadian geese molt this time of year and this goose refuses to fly like my domestic geese. It's not unhealthy or hurt just wont fly and acts as if it was raised here. It has gone into the barn at night with the mixed flock and seems to be content with chickens and ducks. We aren't keeping it against it's will but it sure seems quite willing to drink from water buckets swim in a kitty pool eat flock feed and loiter around the yard all day then going into barn at night. It walks out of barn in the am right past me to get outside. Is this a wild goose who decided to take easy street or could this be a case of humans raising a wild animal then dumping it at my farm?


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Thank u . I'm not to worried about it as it would be hard to say it's being kept against it's will. It's just really weird that it's willingness to act as a farm animal and not a wild one. And how it got here and why isn't it able to fly when there is no signs of damage....it's just bizarre and brain boggling. We wouldn't refuse anything or anyone requesting food shelter n water. If it chooses to go in barn at night it gets locked in for the night. One more bird really isn't a problem I already have 2 spoiled goosey girls
And it wouldn't be the first time someone dumped a bird at my house. Last year someone dumped a raggy old huge pekin duck over the fence had mud dried on it bill infested with mites. We dust bathed her got her settled in with some wormer and a cozy place with the runner ducks and now she gives us a massive egg a day and is loud proud and clean
sounds like she was human raised. maybe she is just lost rather than dumped? i would try to find out if anyone is missing their pet goose, maybe by asking on a local Facebook group??
No FB for me and I asked the entire neighborhood and it just doesn't fly period nothing wrong with it plenty big enough good healthy feathers just walks like my toluse and my super African
And I'm pretty sure that we aren't supposed to be keeping
No FB for me and I asked the entire neighborhood and it just doesn't fly period nothing wrong with it plenty big enough good healthy feathers just walks like my toluse and my super African
Canadian geese as they are protected migratory species . It is free to do as it pleases as far as I'm concerned and it choose to go in the barn at night so we just roll with it.
What a cute goose! Looks domesticated to me. I live in a canada goose migratory area and have wetlands on my property. So, we get them every year. I have had rescues bring geese here to rejoin the wild. Sometimes they leave in a few days and others stay for a season. Once a day-old appeared with no parents to be found, and one of my geese adopted her. She stayed until the next spring when she found a wild mate. But she returns every spring to nest. I've spoken to officials and so long as you are not restraining, keeping eggs, etc., there are no issues.

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