
In the Brooder
May 7, 2023
(before reading I wanted to let you know I probably have some grammar mistakes by accidentšŸ¤£) Hello, I wanted to get some answers on some weird things my chickens have (idk if it's disease, genetics or other. For starters I have 3 chickens currently all are 3 years old and the breeds are barred rock, partridge Cochin, and buff Orpington (I think). There all 3 years old but have never had a full on molt, at 2 years they did lose some feathers but at the time we also had a feather plucking chicken so idk if it was just feather plucking or a slight molt and feather picking. But yea they still have never full on molted or molted since? Is this normal? And one of my chickens who has since passed didn't grow head feathers until she was, I think 2 and a half years old, she was bald for a long time but all her other feathers grew in? Anathor thing is my partridge Cochin occasionally puts her head down to puke and nothing comes out or a little bit of orange yellow mucus will come out of her mouth. We took her to the vet a few times they said she was fine, we got respiratory medicine for her but it wasn't repository so she didn't finish it (a few weeks ago) recently she went in because her crop was impacted, turns out there was something small and very dense in there the vets didn't know what it was, we were given medicine for that too but she digested what was in her crop before we gave it to her. Just wondering why she has this mucus? Vet also said that she's very hormonal (which she usually gets like that in the spring) but said if she continues being like that through the seasons it might be a tumor in her ovaries causing more testosterone. Would her puking be a hint at a tumor? As for my buff Orpington we recently took her in because we thought she was egg bound as she was lethargic and staying in the nesting box all day trying to lay for 2 days (she wasn't broody though because she didn't fluff up or make her broody growls) vet said that they didn't feel a egg and it was probably heat exhaustion and to come back if she doesn't lay a egg. It's been a week or 2 and she still hasn't laid, she's not showing any signs of egg bound and is not trying to lay. I'm not sure if it's egg bound or her not laying because she went to the vet (a year ago we took in our partridge Cochin because she was egg bound and they took out a egg and she didn't lay for a week or 2 or more (I forgot exactly how long but I can ask my family how long it took since they probably remember). Should I take the buff orpington into the vet now? Or how long should I wait for a egg before taking her in? Should I try feeling for a egg? (I've tried but idk where to look so I'd have to watch a vid on how toošŸ¤£). And the last question I have is should i be worried about my barred rock hen. She didn't lay for a very long time after there usual winter break, we took her in and she had enlarged ovaries so we gave her a injection. She still hasn't laid, she got anathor injection yesterday. She did lose a family member about a month or 2 ago but she still wasn't laying and was already way past from their usual break rom egg laying before losing her sister (then again at the time they were living in a large tent with me (so not as much sunlight) since we were building there coup and we just moved). She probably has cancer which is why she still hasn't laid, but I am a little worried she's egg bound since sometimes recently I noticed she will stand still with her tail down and her chest slightly upward(very slight barely noticeable not like a penguin stance) for awhile, I usually notice her like this when I come into the run the other chickens come to me but she stands there for a lil bit then comes over too me, I don't see her do it much when I'm around, but when I'm gone she does it sometimes (since I see her doing it while I'm walking to the coup, i asusme she does it when im gone too) She also seemed a little more clingy then usual but I'm not sure. (It's spring so she could be a little hormonal but I thought if she has cancer she wouldn't be hormonal anymore) (She wants alot of lap time lately but she always loves sitting in people's laps). Idk if the injection isn't working and is bothering her, or she has a egg stuck up there, or maybe she's still sad about losing her sister or not being able to lay anymore. I don't think it's entirely because she lost her sister since they all knew she was dying for a long time and spent every minute with her (I was the only one who didn't know, as I was dumb) but I could be wrong, ive been with them a long time and I usually know what they are feeling but I'm not always right, I don't know exactly what there thinking, and they can be very good at hiding sickness or emotions. She could be perfectly fine, but I wanted to make sure she isn't egg bound or this is a symptom of something. If you guys want I will gladly take photos, videos, or answer any questions you guys have about them!
(before reading I wanted to let you know I probably have some grammar mistakes by accidentšŸ¤£) Hello, I wanted to get some answers on some weird things my chickens have (idk if it's disease, genetics or other. For starters I have 3 chickens currently all are 3 years old and the breeds are barred rock, partridge Cochin, and buff Orpington (I think). There all 3 years old but have never had a full on molt, at 2 years they did lose some feathers but at the time we also had a feather plucking chicken so idk if it was just feather plucking or a slight molt and feather picking. But yea they still have never full on molted or molted since? Is this normal? And one of my chickens who has since passed didn't grow head feathers until she was, I think 2 and a half years old, she was bald for a long time but all her other feathers grew in? Anathor thing is my partridge Cochin occasionally puts her head down to puke and nothing comes out or a little bit of orange yellow mucus will come out of her mouth. We took her to the vet a few times they said she was fine, we got respiratory medicine for her but it wasn't repository so she didn't finish it (a few weeks ago) recently she went in because her crop was impacted, turns out there was something small and very dense in there the vets didn't know what it was, we were given medicine for that too but she digested what was in her crop before we gave it to her. Just wondering why she has this mucus? Vet also said that she's very hormonal (which she usually gets like that in the spring) but said if she continues being like that through the seasons it might be a tumor in her ovaries causing more testosterone. Would her puking be a hint at a tumor? As for my buff Orpington we recently took her in because we thought she was egg bound as she was lethargic and staying in the nesting box all day trying to lay for 2 days (she wasn't broody though because she didn't fluff up or make her broody growls) vet said that they didn't feel a egg and it was probably heat exhaustion and to come back if she doesn't lay a egg. It's been a week or 2 and she still hasn't laid, she's not showing any signs of egg bound and is not trying to lay. I'm not sure if it's egg bound or her not laying because she went to the vet (a year ago we took in our partridge Cochin because she was egg bound and they took out a egg and she didn't lay for a week or 2 or more (I forgot exactly how long but I can ask my family how long it took since they probably remember). Should I take the buff orpington into the vet now? Or how long should I wait for a egg before taking her in? Should I try feeling for a egg? (I've tried but idk where to look so I'd have to watch a vid on how toošŸ¤£). And the last question I have is should i be worried about my barred rock hen. She didn't lay for a very long time after there usual winter break, we took her in and she had enlarged ovaries so we gave her a injection. She still hasn't laid, she got anathor injection yesterday. She did lose a family member about a month or 2 ago but she still wasn't laying and was already way past from their usual break rom egg laying before losing her sister (then again at the time they were living in a large tent with me (so not as much sunlight) since we were building there coup and we just moved). She probably has cancer which is why she still hasn't laid, but I am a little worried she's egg bound since sometimes recently I noticed she will stand still with her tail down and her chest slightly upward(very slight barely noticeable not like a penguin stance) for awhile, I usually notice her like this when I come into the run the other chickens come to me but she stands there for a lil bit then comes over too me, I don't see her do it much when I'm around, but when I'm gone she does it sometimes (since I see her doing it while I'm walking to the coup, i asusme she does it when im gone too) She also seemed a little more clingy then usual but I'm not sure. (It's spring so she could be a little hormonal but I thought if she has cancer she wouldn't be hormonal anymore) (She wants alot of lap time lately but she always loves sitting in people's laps). Idk if the injection isn't working and is bothering her, or she has a egg stuck up there, or maybe she's still sad about losing her sister or not being able to lay anymore. I don't think it's entirely because she lost her sister since they all knew she was dying for a long time and spent every minute with her (I was the only one who didn't know, as I was dumb) but I could be wrong, ive been with them a long time and I usually know what they are feeling but I'm not always right, I don't know exactly what there thinking, and they can be very good at hiding sickness or emotions. She could be perfectly fine, but I wanted to make sure she isn't egg bound or this is a symptom of something. If you guys want I will gladly take photos, videos, or answer any questions you guys have about them!
I am super new to this, and there lots of people on this forum that probably have lots of experience with these issues, but if it were me, I would go back to the vet.

I would not worry so much about the lap sitting, most of our hens (all Buff Orpingtons) love to sit on my lap and get petted and cuddled and they even purr.

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