Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Snowed yesterday. Just an inch.
We got a little here... supposed to get to 60 tmr
Hello fellow amphibians,
too many pages behind so I hope I didn't miss anything important. We had a good all day rain on Wednesday then woke up to snow the next morning. Not bad today, supposed to be rain/snow/ice tomorrow. Normal spring. Were any of our pond dwellers tangled up in the horrible weather in the south???
Sorry you are still buried Al. Like Phil, we should be but aren't this year :celebrate
Nothing really new here. Still working on cleaning up the destruction left in the wake of the hacking. Still playing phone tag to get the last $800 refund from Western Union. Latest contact should have the mess finally cleaned up, I'll know by tomorrow. Got the big chunk back already (Thank you Lord) and I think I got everything changed/blocked/froze in time so was able to minimize any long term damage, so I can't really be too upset. My bank has been great. I just want this last "hiccup" done with so I can just put this nightmare behind me. My old brain can only handle one crisis at a time these days and a week from Monday we finally go for DH's biopsy to find out if he has cancer or not. :fl
I had someone use a credit card of mine last fall...I got a notice from a collection agency...I called them and went off. Told them I never once used that card...TJMax..... told them I was only in that store once a year ago... got the card and never ever went in again..... really had no reason to get the card. Any ways they sent me an affidavit. I said I never used that card.. the company never once sent me a bill..... and if someone used it.... they will have them on camera or if they used it online they had to have sent it to an address and to go after then and leave me the Hell alone..... they dropped all charges and restored my credit rating and that was it......
Hello, Pond!
It was a grey, windy day on my lily pad today. It wasn’t too bad out of the wind, though, so I did some work outside this afternoon when I got home. While I was out puttering about, I decided that it was time to make a decision about my poor injured hen. She’s been crated for almost 3 weeks, and it just wasn’t fair to her to keep her confined any longer. I had decided to euthanize her since she was never going to be part of the flock. I even told DH that we needed to do it. So, I put her in my other coop/run until we could do it. I can’t. Other than the gaping wound on the back of her head (that’s healing quite nicely), she’s perfectly healthy. And I have a soft spot in my heart for the underdog (which is probably why I have the job I do). After I got her in, I noticed one of my BOs was just kind of wandering around by herself. I think she’s at the bottom of the pecking order. So, I opened the gate and lured her in. She seemed perfectly content to just poke around in the run. Then my raggedy looking EE came by. I lured her in the run, but she just kept pacing next to the fence so I let her out. Eventually my other BO came close, so I let her in the run. She paced a little, but settled down, so she’ll stay as well. My rooster showed me that I can never let him near Red (the one he injured).

As soon as she came out in the run, he ran to the fence, hackles flared. Then he stood next to the run and crowed and crowed and crowed.... For about an hour, every time Red came near the fence he charged it. I’ll alternate free range time, or carefully let the big flock out and keep the rooster locked up sometimes or something so the Tres Amigas aren’t locked up forever. They are in an 8x16 coop attached to a 12x16 run, so they should have plenty of space. I am justifying keeping them in there by telling myself that other people have more chickens than that in a smaller space and it works...

In other news, today my student has decided to call me “Steve”. I don’t know why, other than he’s a goofball.
Hi Steve!!!
I skipped ahead... like chicki I was too far behind for the time I have today.... hope you all are okay. I still hate the Cleveland Indians....I tried to watch the Tiger game against the Cleveland Indians. But my internet isn't working for crap. Power company still hasn't come out to fix my house they wrecked.... my septic is giving me fits..... I'm dropping DISH and going back to DirectTV so I can watch my Tigers. They promised me last year they would settle with Fox sports Detroit by now but haven't. I'm supposed to have to pay $20 a month for the test of my contract but that's only a few months and it's in my wife's name so I don't think I'll jane to pay anything.
And I'm switching to Starlink for internet.... should solve my issues.... love ya guys.... Phil
I skipped ahead... like chicki I was too far behind for the time I have today.... hope you all are okay. I still hate the Cleveland Indians....I tried to watch the Tiger game against the Cleveland Indians. But my internet isn't working for crap. Power company still hasn't come out to fix my house they wrecked.... my septic is giving me fits..... I'm dropping DISH and going back to DirectTV so I can watch my Tigers. They promised me last year they would settle with Fox sports Detroit by now but haven't. I'm supposed to have to pay $20 a month for the test of my contract but that's only a few months and it's in my wife's name so I don't think I'll jane to pay anything.
And I'm switching to Starlink for internet.... should solve my issues.... love ya guys.... Phil
We just switched from Uverse to AT&Tv. It saves us a boatload of money, but there’s no PBS. :th How the *bleep* can you not have PBS???:barnie
We moved the two young batches out to tractors. So good to get those poopin' cow-birds outside!

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