Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

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Please quote this message if you were able to login WITHOUT resetting your password.

We had a lot of peeps have a hard time getting in. I need to verify if some of you were able to get in with your old passwords!!!

It took me a couple of tries and I sent for the reset, then I remembered my password. Maybe my brain could be upgraded?
I have to say I have read a lot about chickens the last few weeks. This site gets about 85-90% of my attention when I am looking stuff up. There are so many members and so many articles, posts, etc.. just filled with truly useful information. It is truly the best site for poultry / fowl related information in my opinion.
I recently posted pics of a couple chicks I couldn't identify, when I first started looking around my son said to me "You going to BackYardChickens? They will tell you before the hatchery does. " he was right....
Thank you for making this new BYC as much like the old one as possible. I really am finding things to be easier than I expected.
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