Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

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Wow, whew!!! We're home!!! That refugee camp over in BYH land was fun and very friendly but there's no place like home.
Thank you Nifty for all your dedication and hard work to improve and remodel our Birdy House (BYC), we LOVE you!
Just like any major renovation there are always a few missed nails and a final tweak or two and we understand your work isn't quite done but we know the finished job is going to be a beautiful new home :clap
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We're planning to move the domain tomorrow around 11 am PST (2pm Eastern), and once we do that, we'll lose all access to the old site and not be able to check / compare stuff like we can now.

So, one more time: Please quote this post and reply with something like, "Yup, I checked my forum posts, PM's, articles, etc. and everything seems to be moved over!"

When will the photos be moved? and also, where can I find my threads that I post on (including ones that I did not start)?But other then this,
I believe everything has been moved over!
Thanks so much for making this such a great community everyone,
Wow, whew!!! We're home!!! That refugee camp over in BYH land was fun and very friendly but there's no place like home.
Thank you Nifty for all your dedication and hard work all work to improve and remodel our Birdy House (BYC), we LOVE you!
Just like any major renovation there are always a few missed nails and a final tweak or two and we understand your work isn't quite done but we know the finished job is going to be a beautiful new home :clap

You needed a major overhaul! :caf

Those (7 of them now ;)) little critters are growing like weeds and draining Ohio's watersources! :lol: You may steal them anytime - and inherit the mess! :p:lol:

Careful now, I do know where you live, after all. I just might take you up on that.

Done any more of your beautiful artwork recently?
I am wondering what ever it said my name. I'm not even Chillin with my peeps now. But, yes, I am grateful. I would rather have what was on there. Been here for 7 years. :) I don't mean the showing of 7 yrs. I realize that isn't shown anymore.
FullSizeRender (1).jpg FINALLY!!!!!! I realized how much I got on here when I kept on checking to see if it was up. The picture is just image testing. YAY!!!SO much to talk about.
When will the photos be moved? and also, where can I find my threads that I post on (including ones that I did not start)?But other then this,
I believe everything has been moved over!
Thanks so much for making this such a great community everyone,

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