Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

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Explain the dragging!
You can drag a photo from your photos on your computer. Drop them in the reply box and it comes up with thumbnail or full image. Easy peasy! (I'm on a Mac though)

...and did I read correctly that the "badges" are being manually applied?

I had a "Friend of BYC" award that has disappeared.

Kind of bummed that I took a pretty big drop in status with the new system (not that status matters, but it was fun...I had fewer posts than many but had lots of ovation points...I don't post often due to time constraints, but when I do post, I try to be the most helpful I can be.)
Probably. They were manually added on the prior system. They will get here in time.

Hey! See .. you are over run with chickens..why aren't I? lol

Yorkshire, that's what I meant. Not the badges..but hey, glad to hear that we will have those back!
I believe because you have a custom title.

Where is Manage Forums at?
Click on Forums on the brown bar. Then there is another bar below with Managed Forums. Click on that.
Oh dear, how could I forget? :oops: Now now, Banti, "thou shalt not steal...." :p;)

Sadly, there hasn't been much time these days. :hit I told myself today that I'll have to make time, as drawing is still very important to me. :)

~Alex my location!!!!
You can see about where I am too so you can plan your visit!
I did get in old password no problem now I did get a alert that my account upgrades has expired. only one I knew of was membership just did that now had a byc friend does that require paying for every year to keep?
no friend is free and will be applied later

I'm wondering where mine went too. :(
it will be back later

I used the mobile today and it is fabulous! I would use it more if my eyes were better! :cool:

The memberships have to be purchased or won. The BYC Friend badge was awarded to you, no payment required. All the badges still need to be added to the new site, as do the memberships. It will take a little longer to get everything finished, but they are doing a great job.

I meant I accessed BYC on my cell phone, which I rarely do. I thought it was a much nicer format than the old one. I did not see a choice between desktop and mobile like before, so just assumed it was mobile.
the desktop site automatically formats itself to mobile there is no-more option with the new software, very user friendly

I don't seem to see the a list of "my posts" or even my "recent posts."

I can locate the "new," "recent," for everyone, but the old system had a list of your recent posts, which was helpful if you wanted to follow up or look back at your information.

I'm probably being dense here...sorry to have to ask...but I can't seem to find that.

(I have fortunately relocated my favorite threads and forums and now have them properly bookmarked).

if you hover over your 'Account' button then click on 'Your Content' it will bring you to your recent posts/likes/etc

...and did I read correctly that the "badges" are being manually applied?

I had a "Friend of BYC" award that has disappeared.

Kind of bummed that I took a pretty big drop in status with the new system (not that status matters, but it was fun...I had fewer posts than many but had lots of ovation points...I don't post often due to time constraints, but when I do post, I try to be the most helpful I can be.)
the likes went down because they are no longer weighted, it is a 1:1 ratio, before you would get more points if a GFM/PPM liked your post
ALSO the 'overrun with chickens' or whatever title you have is based on your trophy points

Yes, your Friend badge will be here eventually. I think most everyone dropped in status. It's like being young again! :)

Actually I was referring to my most recent posts not subscriptions, which is in the "watched" columns at the top.

But I figured it out...I have to go to my name, then click on that, then in the middle of the page appears the "recent activity," "posts," "articles," sections.

I can look back at posts that I haven't subscribed to, as I don't subscribe to everything I post on.

Thanks for your patience as we figure out the new lay of the land.

see my answer above let me know if that isnt what you meant

Has anybody noticed this nice bit we just added earlier?

View attachment 549364

Go to your profile settings / account page, scroll down, and link to your BYC Coop Page!
nope sure hadnt! i guess i will need to build a coop now :lau

As an old-fashioned BYC'er, I'm glad to see you've kept the BBcode option around. The large blue bars on the side could have been done away with, along with seeing bots and anonymous guests in the "current visitors" tab, since that isn't helpful at all. But all in all this version pretty similar to the previous one. The lack of drastic change is appreciated.

That said, can someone please tell me how to search for things on a thread? Say on this thread? 'cause I haven't found that button yet.

ETA: I'm also very glad to see the full date of my registration back again. I never did like how it skipped the actual day in the previous format. The only way I knew all these years was from an old screenshot!
search has not been activated yet, but will be soon after they get everything converted
Thanks. I'm not getting emails about threads or forums. It's the "conversations" (I think that's what they are called now) that I keep getting emails from.
Untitled 3.png

ETA- words

hover mouse over 'Account'
click on 'Contact Details'
scroll down to what my image shows
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