Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

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So no new info on the search features?

I was able to log in with my old password, if that's still being asked.

After being on the site for a while more, I really wish accessing posts was more convenient. Before, everything was in a nice box on the home page. Now you have to go to your alerts, then checked watched threads. Or alternatively, go to your profile, then go to postings and check on your threads.

Also, it's not live, which presents a new problem in following people. You would have to stay on your alerts page, constantly refreshing your news feed every 5 minutes for new stuff.

This just seems like an awful lot of hoops to jump through.
Here is a post that Nifty did at BYH:
"There are a lot of ways to get your pictures onto BYH, here are a few:
  1. On your computer (for example from your desktop or Windows Explorer) "copy" the image file, then in the editor "paste" the file.
  2. If you have an image in your computer's "clipboard" you can just paste or CTRL-V it into a post
  3. Or, you can click "Upload a File"
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