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What kind of notifications? email or alerts? In your profile, check your Preferences and Alert Preferences. You might also want to look at Privacy and Contact Details.

That's what I do too. You have to keep refreshing, and the alerts seem to lag behind a bit.

Alerts, I turned emails off. Ohhh if they lag that makes sense. But it seemed to me it only alerted to ones i opened recently

I believe it is this member:

I've been working with them on BYH (via PM) and sent you a picture they took of the redirects error they are getting.

I think they're both having trouble getting on but chickencowboy is the one on Silk

How did you find that!? It's not in the emoji list. Is the code still the same?

Some really interesting info / help from another member:

Definitely helpful

You're welcome!

BTW, it's 7:24 am and I still haven't gone to bed yet... that's not a problem is it?

Nifty, you need SLEEP!

(But on a side note, I have stayed up that late and till 9am once and used to stay up well after midnight, often till 2, 3, 4, 5, sometimes even 6am regularly in high school and college. Totally normal :p but I've since grown up or gotten old or both cause now I get tired early LOL

But you it's not a matter of growing up, you are TOO grown up! Trying to be too responsible and do this all in one night. :p we can wait!!!

... but we're getting LOTS done! The Learning Center is finally coming together!!!!

(with the help of some really amazing members ;) )

What good is a learning centre if it makes the Bossman have a breakdown in the process?

I second this!!!


What good is it if you're so tired and delirious that you end up making errors you have to redo later and lose more sleep over? :p
Banti saved them to her computer before the old site went down.
If you want to use it you will need to save it to your device and use the Upload a file feature on here to insert it when you need it.
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