Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

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Glad the site is back up...However I would like to know how to find my watched Threads. I can still find them by looking at my content. Yet that only shows my post NOT the threads I watch. Also everything is marked as new no matter how old. DOes this mean I have to look at every blasted article I have looked at to keep from getting all these bogus notifications? Not sure I like the new format
Click on Forums, then there is a sub heading with Watched Threads.
Ain't anything else in my pockets, unless you want a handful of shavings, hay, some broad head nails, and some assorted zip tie ends.
Hey ya'll, heres a dumb there still PM available?

Yes!....but they are called conversations. Go to the top right and click on your Inbox and then Start a New Conversation.
It is private, just like PMs were on the old platform.
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