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How does everyone get these!??
Thanks! What do you type in to find them? xx

Sometimes you have to do several searches before finding what you want. You can find things you didn't know you want this way, too! It's interesting what comes up in a search! Like "sleepy emoji"
you can try "smilies" "smiley" "emoticons"and so on. If you know a code you can type that in.
Such as some of these : Chick-emoticons? | BackYard Chickens
How does everyone get these!??

I find them here and on google image searches etc. Then I right click and "save image" to a file in my photo album on my computer. Then you load as though they were a photo onto your post.

^^^What LALO said ^^^

If you see one posted on BYC, you can click on it and save it to your file at home to attach whenever you want.
the eye appears by the thread title when you are viewing your watched threads list.

I repeat, what eye? This is a screen shot off my iPhone, but since I'm not using the mobile app it's exactly as it appears on my computer and iPad screens too. There is no eye. On any of them. Anywhere.

And order to get that little black box with my profile on it, I have to scroll back to my last posted post and click on my name, which is in blue, not red. My name isn't under my avatar in the reply box, which is what I THINK Banty was trying to show me.

In the overall scheme of things, these don't seem like a huge deal UNLESS you're trying to follow the directions that seem to be working perfectly for everyone else. Remember sitting in the middle desk in school when everyone else "gets it" and you just don't? Yeah, that feeling! Now I see directions and I'm afraid to try them.

Problem is I don't even know what questions to ask to get help because I don't even know anymore exactly what I'm asking for help with or how to make it clear enough for everyone to understand. I wish I'd known days ago that some things don't work on a touch screen computer. Could have saved aggravation there, that's for sure.

Okay, I'm putting away the whine bottle. This is the new platform and I'm thrilled it's working so well for all of you. I'll have to just buckle my kilt and get on with what I can do instead of focusing on what I can't.
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