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Most times when I open a thread that I haven't read before, I'm automatically taken to the last few posts. Sometimes it's a old post, and I can kind of understand, but sometimes it's only a day or two old. This does not always happen, but it does often.
I use a laptop, win10, Chrome.
When I open a thread, I usually right click and open in new tab.
Is it something I have to get used to? Is it something I'm doing wrong/has anyone else noticed this? Is it something on the still-to-do list?
Most times when I open a thread that I haven't read before, I'm automatically taken to the last few posts. Sometimes it's a old post, and I can kind of understand, but sometimes it's only a day or two old. This does not always happen, but it does often.
I use a laptop, win10, Chrome.
When I open a thread, I usually right click and open in new tab.
Is it something I have to get used to? Is it something I'm doing wrong/has anyone else noticed this? Is it something on the still-to-do list?
this happens to me when i click on the side thingy that says so-and-so replied to such-and-such a thread
it brings me to their reply, maybe that is what you are doing too?? just a thought
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