Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

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COOL... I want to get to know those people. I need money to build igloos that don't melt when a polar bear pees on them.
I'll need you mail you the agreements that have to be signed firsts.
In red ink.

(how about these errors! I must leave them for you it can drive you a lil bit more nutty) @BantyChooks
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Would 'a dress' work like an address?

I have a lovely dress made out of caribou skin I could mail.
It would kill me to wear it...I would actual die from a heat stroke.
What is 'heat stroke'?

Is it like frostbite?

I heard tales of 'heat stroke' being from an excess of heat in southerly lands. But I do not understand how something except fire can be too hot. Even fire gets pretty cold sometimes when it's -120*C out.
What is 'heat stroke'?
What is 'heat stroke'?

Is it like frostbite?

I heard tales of 'heat stroke' being from an excess of heat in southerly lands. But I do not understand how something except fire can be too hot. Even fire gets pretty cold sometimes when it's -120*C out.
noun: heat-stroke
  1. a condition marked by fever and often by unconsciousness, caused by failure of the body's temperature-regulating mechanism when exposed to excessively high temperatures.

You would not believe how many people "suffer" from a heat stroke down here each year.
I would never actually suffer/have one.
I'm not that blonde.
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