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When will the yearly badges be applied to our avatars along with the other badge? What is the progress on the conversion and the script for the images?
When will the yearly badges be applied to our avatars along with the other badge?
We've run into a bug where members that have not logged in have multiple year awards. We're trying to clean that up before we proceed.

What is the progress on the conversion and the script for the images?
Can you be more specific? The "conversion" of all the data (forum, articles, reviews, images, etc.) is complete.
We've run into a bug where members that have not logged in have multiple year awards. We're trying to clean that up before we proceed.

Can you be more specific? The "conversion" of all the data (forum, articles, reviews, images, etc.) is complete.
Sumi said that a script was going to run to make huge images smaller. She has not told us that that script was run or completed running. We were asked to stop working on the coop pages until the images were optimized.
Ah, gotcha!

Yup, we're running a script to optimize the images that were brought over from the old platform. Many of our articles, especially coop pages, have full-sized images embedded in them, so some of them take FOREVER to download.

So, we started a project a month ago to resize and optimize the millions and millions of photos. The process was originally going to take the server about 4 months to complete... and that's running 24/7.

Say we have 20 million images and can optimize 2 per second. That's 2,778 hours, or 3.8 months of constant optimization!

The good news: Our incredibly brilliant server master @MattW came up with a great idea. It requires an additional server and a bunch of manual processes, but we're hoping to cut that time down to 1 month.
Ah, gotcha!

Yup, we're running a script to optimize the images that were brought over from the old platform. Many of our articles, especially coop pages, have full-sized images embedded in them, so some of them take FOREVER to download.

So, we started a project a month ago to resize and optimize the millions and millions of photos. The process was originally going to take the server about 4 months to complete... and that's running 24/7.

Say we have 20 million images and can optimize 2 per second. That's 2,778 hours, or 3.8 months of constant optimization!

The good news: Our incredibly brilliant server master @MattW came up with a great idea. It requires an additional server and a bunch of manual processes, but we're hoping to cut that time down to 1 month.
I had some of the coop pages time out on me. Thanks for the update!
Just to give you an idea, the original folders are around 15GB each, and once the images are optimized, we are now getting them down to 3.5GB
# du -sh *
5.0G    40
5.0G    41
4.9G    42
5.0G    43
5.0G    44
5.9G    45
3.5G    46
3.5G    47
3.4G    48
3.5G    49
3.5G    4a
3.5G    4b
7.0G    4c
14G     4d
15G     4e
15G     4f
Each folder contains around 62,000 images.
Just to give you an idea, the original folders are around 15GB each, and once the images are optimized, we are now getting them down to 3.5GB
# du -sh *
5.0G    40
5.0G    41
4.9G    42
5.0G    43
5.0G    44
5.9G    45
3.5G    46
3.5G    47
3.4G    48
3.5G    49
3.5G    4a
3.5G    4b
7.0G    4c
14G     4d
15G     4e
15G     4f
Each folder contains around 62,000 images.
We know you can do it Matt!
Keep up the good work!
we have new buttons!!

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