What did you do in the garden today?

Trying Burmese - Burma okra this year. Pods are tender to about 9 inches. 2.8 inches of rain the other day. 96 percent chance of rain tonight. Sowed some seeds in pots. Germination test showed good except one variety. Waiting to start tomato seeds about 15th. I could hardly walk on sore foot yesterday. Much better today. Coffee pot quit. Going to buy one later today.
... The transplant center found markers for pancreatic cancer....
Praises!!!! No cancer.

Yesterday, I cleaned the garden spot a little with a hoe. Coco, Mocha, and Nutmeg helped until Nutmeg needed to lay an egg so they all went back in. It is still too early for many worms or grubs to have come up near the surface but the hens found a few of each and a few bites of fresh greens.

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