What did you do in the garden today?

I have seen a few YouTube videos on those self-wicking seed trays. They get good reviews. Thanks for the link.

The thing I don't yet understand is that if the wicking mat keeps the plant trays constantly in touch with water, what is the difference between that and just having 1/8- to 1/4-inch of water in a 10X20 tray all the time?
There is a reservoir of water that can be kept full without drowning the seeds. When I move my plants out into the morning sun outside, the reservoir of water last through the day, so I don't have to worry about them.

The wicking mat isn't sitting on water, its elevated above the water level, just one end wicks water up to keep the mat moist, so the water level is the bottom of the seed cell and only wicks water up to the seeds when needed.
There is a reservoir of water that can be kept full without drowning the seeds. When I move my plants out into the morning sun outside, the reservoir of water last through the day, so I don't have to worry about them.

The wicking mat isn't sitting on water, its elevated above the water level, just one end wicks water up to keep the mat moist, so the water level is the bottom of the seed cell and only wicks water up to the seeds when needed.

I think I understand how the wicking pad works. I have several sub-irrigated planters and they work great. I like the whole water reservoir concept which is used in my sub-irrigated planters.

But, back to my original question, if the wicking mat is keeping the soil in the seed starting packs moist, is there any difference between that wicking mat and just having a small amount (1/8 to 1/4 inch) of water in the tray all the time? In both cases, I would think, the potting soil will absorb as much water as it can until it cannot hold any more. I don't see any method that only allows the water up to seeds when needed. It's just a matter of if the soil can absorb more water, then it does.

:idunno I could be wrong. Maybe there is a difference.

In any case, the way I first was introduced to bottom watering the net cups was to fill the tray to about 1/4 inch full of water and stop. Then you leave the net cups in the tray for a few days as they drink up all that water. When the tray is dry, you wait another day or two for the potting soil in the net cups to dry out a bit, then refill the tray with 1/4 inch of water again to repeat the cycle. Each cycle is about 5 days for me.

That's the way I did it last year and was successful. I am doing it that way this year as well and my plants are growing well.

I have been interested in making my own self-wicking seed starting trays. There are a number of YouTube videos on this DIY project. If you have some of material laying around, you might not have to spend much money at all to make your own self watering seed starting trays...

I don't need goats, I don't need goats...

@Sally PB :cool:
Hard to resist...just look at that sheer joy & glee, a sweet young life just full of enthusiasm & exuberance. Gotta cherish the cuteness overload 😊 ❤️

I don't need goats either...but "need & want" are bickering badly right now lol
You guys all get so much done, I'm just gonna sit over here in the corner and watch. It's embarrassing how little I garden next to y'all, lol. :lau
Ditto! Between work & the crazy weather, then these ole bones just pooped out...what I wanna do & what actually gets checked off of the "To do" list...yeah, I'm embarrassed 😳
No Goats, no Ducks. All the chickens I want!
Sounds familiar...DH says no Mules, no Donkeys, no Horse, no Goats, no Sheep, no Dairy Cow, no Turkeys, no Waterfowl, no Peacocks, no more Guineas, no Dogs or Cats right now & I've reached my Chicken & Pigeon & Dove capacity. Rescues...well, I can't say what tomorrow may bring. Lol
He have ask at Sunbirds yesterday they had male asparagus
plants so do you need female?
Will they make their own?
I started with Mary Washington (female) crowns 5 years ago. I added the male Jersey Knight last year. From what I understand you need male and female to produce viable seed. But either one will grow by themselves but not produce seed. Does this help?
Sounds familiar...DH says no Mules, no Donkeys, no Horse, no Goats, no Sheep, no Dairy Cow, no Turkeys, no Waterfowl, no Peacocks, no more Guineas, no Dogs or Cats right now & I've reached my Chicken & Pigeon & Dove capacity. Rescues...well, I can't say what tomorrow may bring. Lol
No dogs or cats or turkeys :hit
DH is Ñot a keeper :barnie
Well, I am pleased with tomato seedling progress, but Dang I am very bummed out disappointed with the Brussel sprout seedlings. 😔 See them both here...not happy Brussel sprouts, nope, not happy at all. What the heck happened? Bad seeds?


Also, the tomato seedlings doing great are from ones I saved myself. The tomato seeds I purchased however, look like crap. What the heck!

My grow light arrives sometime today from Amazon. Cloudy & rainy this morning. Getting eggs to market & see knee doc & the chiropractor, pick up some feed. This afternoon should be clear. I'd love to plant seeds, but we do have frost warnings Thursday night, so I will do some weeding, if my aching back permits. One tough weed is Johnsongrass, what a PITA it is, & I've got clumps of it here & there, seeds blown in from neighboring fields.

There are several groupings of Lamb's Ear in various oddball places in my yard, that sprung up on their own...I'm going to move some & plant around an ugly utility box. Gotta remove the nutsedge 1st. 🙄

I have another weird plant that showed up & is spreading. I'm not hating it, as the Swallowtail Butterflies love it. It's called Cow Parsley or Goutweed. I've heard both positive & negative things about it. Well, there's no getting rid of it here, there's just way too much, surrounding the house foundation, which actually looks nice. There's a spot by my 1 coop, too, but chickens leave it alone & don't bother the butterflies either. Anyone deal with this stuff? I know it's invasive & not native...but neither are those damn European fireants, & they're here to stay, too.

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