What is Southern Essence?


Flew The Coop
12 Years
Apr 16, 2007

This is Southern Essence. Where you don't hear cars honking, you don't see giant buildings. There's no concrete, no black tops or stoplights. No bad attitudes, just a sense of peace. I was blessed to spend my day surrounded in nature's beauty today. All of my stress lifted off of my shoulders and I feel like a brand new person.

(Insert peaceful, happy smiley here)
Looks very peaceful. I love rivers and streams, something so soothing about them.........

Theres supposed to be a huge snowstorm here this weekend, so consider yourself blessed to be able to be outside without a snowsuit
looks like a still-water swamp that festers with too many skeeters come early april...at least that's what that scene would be like here in northern Florida;from the Black Water to the Suwanee.

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