What is too cold for 5+ week old chicks?

Is the coop secure yet? Sometimes pictures help us to make decisions. Would your dog crate be secure enough against predators? I never like to put chicks out in a cold coop until 6 weeks old, and then I hang a heat lamp just in case any feel the need to get under it. Do you have a garage or basement, or another coop that you can put chicks inside the crate in, protected from larger birds? How many chicks total?
If it's going to be 34 I would use the heat lamp in the kennel...that's a little too cold, especially if they haven't been weaned from the lamp. About keeping it in the coop, how unfinished is it? If it's secure (from predators) and weather proof then it'll do nicely.
It is complete on the outside, I just haven't made the roosting bars, put the outer layer on the walls, put the lenolium down, or painted.. it is totally predator proof though, and it is windproof... I'll take some pictures. I was always going to keep the heat-lamp on, but at what hight?
I put my chicks out today for the first time at between four and six weeks, but the highs are in the low eighties and the lows are in the high fifties/low sixties here.

As long as it's above freezing and they have adequate bedding (and a "coop" that is small enough for them to huddle together and conserve heat) I think they'll be okay as long as they're feathered out. If you have a heat lamp you can use, I'd probably use it until the temps get into at least the high forties at night.

I would not separate them since pecking order will be getting stronger, reintegrating will be more difficult... especially on crested birds in my experience.

How many chicks total? :pop

Is the coop secure yet? Sometimes pictures help us to make decisions. Would your dog crate be secure enough against predators? I never like to put chicks out in a cold coop until 6 weeks old, and then I hang a heat lamp just in case any feel the need to get under it. Do you have a garage or basement, or another coop that you can put chicks inside the crate in, protected from larger birds? How many chicks total?
Is the coop secure yet? Sometimes pictures help us to make decisions. Would your dog crate be secure enough against predators? I never like to put chicks out in a cold coop until 6 weeks old, and then I hang a heat lamp just in case any feel the need to get under it. Do you have a garage or basement, or another coop that you can put chicks inside the crate in, protected from larger birds? How many chicks total?
yes, the coop is very secure. I have no garage or base-ment, and the other coop is nearly impossible to work with. I don't really like to either... Maybe I'll just have to put the dog crate in my room.... Even though it will take up almost the whole thing, and get shavings everywhere:lau
I'm thinking about putting the kennel in the unfinished coop... Do you think that would be better than trying to enclose the kennel?
I would, and throw a heat lamp in there. Mine are 5 1/2 weeks and I have raised them since a few days in my coop. I live in Michigan, so it gets cold at night ( when I first got them) I think with a heat lamp in there they will be just fine.
I have had mine out since 2 weeks...I’m in nw pa and used a heat light at night only when temps dropped below 40. Mine r fully feathered (the oldest bunch) and no longer require heat. I may say that transition to no heat light was gradual....out for a couple hours here and there then outside all day while temps above 50 (keeping an eye making sure they weren’t too cold) then to permanently outside. I now have 4 week olds that I transitioned outside however they stay in a diff coop with my 1 week olds under light. Will start allowing outside time for the 1 week olds at 2 weeks. Just an insight on what I have done. Keep in mind this is my first year having chickens. Out of 24 chicks I have lost 0 lol pretty happy. Just got tired of them flying around my daughters room lol

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