What kind of music do your birds like?

He likes a lot of music with a good beat to it. He will dance, swing his head, twirl around on his perch, dance while he walks back and forth on it. All kinds of bird aerobics. He also will like some classical music, well maybe classical is not the proper word, but softer, milder music, he will want to snuggle into your arm and want his head and back scratched then but thats generally later in the day after he's wore himself out and its getting closer to putting him up for the night and ok, some cuddle time and bed time for you mister!!

I do have a very old video of him dancing to the Chicken Dance song. yes yes I know, there is a special place in hell for me for that one I am sure :) He wont sing, so to say but will start skwaking on some songs. Ill play the song Lowlife and bob my head and he'll start bobbing back and forth with me, putting his crest up like a mohawk, and dancing and skwaking, it's pretty funny actually.


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