What made this hole?


6 Years
Apr 17, 2018
Jackson, NJ
It is in the middle of a Pathway between the patio and the shed. The path is covered with small stones.
Hole 1.jpg
Hole 2.jpg
Hole 3.jpg

Maybe snake? I put my foot there for size comparison.
Stick your hand in there and wait until you feel a sharp prick/bite. Now, go sit on your favorite couch and put on your favorite movie (Might I suggest Titanic?)...... and if by the end of the movie you're still alive, then it's not a snake and most likely a ground squirrel.

OK, so I've been sitting next to the hole with my hand in it for almost 2 1/2 hours. Nothing has bit me yet. May be they only go in it at night? I'll have to bring a pillow and blanket out tonight.
Is this anywhere near the chickens? Or other food source and water? If so, be thinking rats. Look for more tunnel openings and droppings near the feed.

Game camera pointed at the hole will find out.

Turns out those inexpensive game cameras are an essential part of the chicken owner's arsenal.
No where near any feed of any kind. The only water is the pool which is still covered tightly. It’s also right in the middle of the path. I covered/ filled it 2 days in a row but found it open again. If I put the hose down it will whatever is down there run out?
That’s a decent sized Small hole. Because of the size and the fact that it’s straight down, I’m thinking mole or pocket gopher, leaning towards the former because There’s no real pile of dirt at the entrance.
Hi everyone. I see you have a problem like we do here. I hate to tell you this but there is nothing to stop the ground squirrels. We have them and mama is teaching her baby how to take eggs from the coop. She carried an egg out of the coop today and squeezed it though the little holes in the gate where the chickens feed is at. Egg broke in the fence today. My hubby saw it and chickens ate the whole thing. I went to inspect the coop and found that their laying box was upside down. Opening of the box was on the floor. One of the girls made a new nest out of straw near the window. So, I got one egg today. Squirrels did not get this one.

You will get more than one squirrel burrow. Between our backyard and our neighbors backyard there is allot of burrows around here in Rural. Mama made a new burrow just last week prior to us seeing the baby. She was running between this burrow and to the other one in neighbors yard at the wood pile. Neighbor has piles of wood stacked up in two places for his wood burning stove to dry out before winter. He does this every year. Only option you have is to get a pellet gun. We won't do this yet with mama until mama isn't teaching her young any longer. There is some burrows under our coop which is a 10x20 building.

You could put a smoke bomb down the hole. My hubby takes care of this job. Look around on mounds of dirt or anything you have for more burrows. If you want to see ours that he took where the baby was at let me know.

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