What should I do with all these eggs?


In the Brooder
Jan 4, 2023
Eggs n' toast, scrambled, sunnyside, boiled, steamed, Shakshuka, cooked into pancakes, waffles, pastries, eggnog, pickled in a jar...

We're a family of seven and we're getting more eggs than we can eat. It's reached a point where I'm the only one eating any. I love eggs, I can eat them for every meal of the day if I could but we're just getting too many eggs for me to eat!
I tried giving them to my neighbors but they've got their own "too many eggs" problem"
I hatch a bunch but once the machine is full it's full.
I took a whole load and pickled them last weekend, despite the fact that none of us actually eat pickled eggs!

So I guess what I'm asking is if there's any sort of delicious preservations, recipes or the like you'd suggest to get rid of this egg overload!
I have no experience preserving eggs directly, just in foods that I then freeze. Example: with cookies you can bake & eat them now, or freeze the dough to bake later, or bake the cookies and freeze them to eat later.

For the waffles and pancakes: have you tried adding more eggs than the recipe calls for? I have used up to 3x as many eggs in some recipes, and it came out fine (still tasted like pancake/waffle.) That works in many other recipes as well.

Yorkshire pudding: I've got a receipe that uses 1 cup each of flour, milk, and eggs, and bakes in a 9 x 13 inch pan. It seems that just about any yorkshire pudding recipe can be adjusted to have that much egg (equal to the flour/milk measurements). I read somewhere that it started out as a very egg-y dish, and most recipes have since been modified to use less eggs. (Sorry, I can't remember where I read it-- probably some reddit thread or something of the sort.)

Rice pudding, tapioca pudding, custard, pumpkin pie, zucchini bread....

Have you tried quiche? I usually think of sweet dishes or breakfast dishes when I want to use up eggs, but quiche can be a good lunch or dinner dish and isn't sweet.

Breaded anything: dip in egg, then in flour or bread crumbs, then fry it.

For any receipe that does use eggs, try whether it will work with a bit more egg than usual. Meatloaf might be fine with an extra egg or two, some french toast receipes use a little egg and a lot of milk but mine uses a lot of egg and little or no milk, etc.

If people are tired of "egg," it helps to make things where the egg is not the main flavor (like meatloaf or pancakes.)

Some people cook the eggs & feed them back to the chickens. I would probably cook & use for people as many eggs as you reasonably can, save up a big pile in the refrigerator, and then cook the oldest ones for the chickens when the total collection gets too big (because feeding them to the chickens is more useful than throwing them out, but not as useful as feeding them to people.)

Broody hens do not lay eggs, so if your hens go broody in the spring you will get fewer eggs for a while. But if your hens do not go broody, you might continue to have too many eggs through the whole spring and summer and not run short until they molt in the fall.

Edit to add links to some other threads on the same subject:
Both of those threads have some good suggestions, and there are probably some other similar threads too. If you read threads from different years, you get suggestions from different people, depending on who was active at the time. (So this thread might get suggestions from people who weren't even here when those older threads were created.)
My go-to recipe for the "I have too many eggs" conundrum is a frittata. A dozen eggs, odds and ends of left over vegetables.

I have waterglassed eggs in the past, as a way to preserve the bounty. Hubby thinks they don't taste as good. I use them for baking or scrambled eggs, as the yolk always breaks when I open them.

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