What to do about Snowbird's beak?

Sally PB

Premium Feather Member
Aug 7, 2020
Belding, MI
I have never seen a beak injury like this! It looks like Snowbird slammed into something, or caught it on the fence...? Or both?

I think he (Snowbird is my rooster) can eat and drink, but I haven't seen him. He was sitting by himself in the coop when I first saw him. He got up and walked out after I took the picture.
It must hurt ... You may want to soften his food with water & keep a close eye on him.
From what I can see/make out the right side of this beak has "removed" itself from his face. Is is splintered or the whole top got separated? INeed more pictures at different angles of the injury.
I will get more pictures tomorrow. It's dark and gloomy at the moment; there are storms in the area. He is sitting inside the coop, quietly.

Yes, on the mash-for-food. Easier to eat, and a bit hydration as well.
How is he doing? Depending on the actual damage, sometimes it can be glued for more stability, or partially trimmed off and epoxied. Never have done it myself, but have seen pictures.
Is he eating? Wet mash is a good idea, also cooked eggs, whatever he can eat and drink.
He was eating mash this morning (after letting the ladies go first, of course), and tried a few pecks at the crumble.

I read a bit online, and I don't think I can glue the loose bit down. It's "sprung" off too far. Any kind of glue/epoxy would be on the quick, and I'm sure that would be excruciatingly painful, so not happening.

I'm thinking trimming off the part that's sticking out might be the best bet...? I'm going to check in a few minutes on how things are going out there.

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