What treats do you give your chickens?

Jan 26, 2022
Your local trashcan
I usually give mine oatmeal and some cracked corn but sometimes I buy them fruits and veggies like apples, blueberries, corn, tomatoes, pumpkin, and watermelon. My chickens really love pumpkin (even though they usually only eat the seeds). So what treats do you give yours and which ones do they love the most?
Black soldier fly larvae, That is a big hit!
6 grain scratch- I like it for bored chickens
farmers helper cackleberry nugget treats for show training
farmers helper ultra kibble for prep for show
lettuce butts, carrot peels (steamed), broccoli bottoms (steamed), eggs, extra pumpkins fro the garden, frozen blueberries and frozen corn, steamed apples, suet cakes, hot oatmeal mash, so many things!
The number one treat I give my chickens is their regular food, wetted into a mash. They love it! I can add anything else on top of it, like kitchen scraps, garden weeds, leftover berries.

Another thing about making mash out of their normal food is that it's a good way to use up the small crumbs/dust that fall to the bottom of their normal feed bowl. They won't eat those, but they love them wetted into a mash. Very little of their feed gets wasted.
Black soldier fly larvae, That is a big hit!
6 grain scratch- I like it for bored chickens
farmers helper cackleberry nugget treats for show training
farmers helper ultra kibble for prep for show
lettuce butts, carrot peels (steamed), broccoli bottoms (steamed), eggs, extra pumpkins fro the garden, frozen blueberries and frozen corn, steamed apples, suet cakes, hot oatmeal mash, so many things!
I tried giving mine steamed carrots they didn’t really eat it :/ then I tried making a suet cake and they didn’t really eat that either. They are way to picky lol
The number one treat I give my chickens is their regular food, wetted into a mash. They love it! I can add anything else on top of it, like kitchen scraps, garden weeds, leftover berries.

Another thing about making mash out of their normal food is that it's a good way to use up the small crumbs/dust that fall to the bottom of their normal feed bowl. They won't eat those, but they love them wetted into a mash. Very little of their feed gets wasted.
Oh that is a good idea I may try that one day.

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